Kunal Kapoor credited as playing...
Aslam • Ashfaqullah Khan
- Ajay Rathod: I'm proud of my country.
- Karan: Really, exactly what are you proud of? The Poverty?
- Aslam: No, he's proud of the Unemployment
- Karan: Or are you proud of the Corruption?
- Ajay Rathod: No country is perfect, Kran we have to work to make it perfect.
- Karan: Tell you what Ajay, you go on trying to make this country perfect, once I get into a college, i'm pushing of to America, nothing's ever going to get better in this garbage dump.
- Amanullah Khan: [Aslam's dad sees Sukhi and Siddharth are drunk]
- [to Aslam]
- Amanullah Khan: Are you drunk too?
- Aslam: Dad, You know I don't even touch alcohol!
- Amanullah Khan: They are all demolished!
- Aslam: Whatever it is. They are my friends!
- Amanullah Khan: What kind of friends are these? They're stinking of alcohol and no shame to stand in front of your father. Can't you find friends in your own community? You only find shameless friends who are all set to destroy you.
- Aslam: Where did religion and community come in this, dad?
- Aslam's brother: Shut up. Don't raise your voice in front of dad. What he's saying is right. This country has never accepted us Muslims, and never will!
- [shouting]
- Aslam's brother: Doesn't your blood boil? Have you ever seen me making Hindu friends? Have you?
- Aslam: I can't think like you, brother! Nor do I want to.