Vanessa Alves's debut. Initially, she was supposed to play a small part, but she ended up starring in the film, because the actress who was cast for the role of the protagonist suffered an accident and was unable to take part in the filming.
Vanessa Alves was 16 during filming, doing nude sex scenes and being still a virgin in real life. She said, "It was a very funny story, because I had to do a nude scene, simulated sex, and I was menstruating. I went to Marinho, the make-up man, and said 'Mário, what do I do now? I have to do the scene, but I am on those days'. He said 'hey, put on OB, internal absorbent' and I said 'I can't', I was very naive at that time. He said 'No, don't tell me you're a girl?' I said 'I am', 'but how can you be a girl doing the scenes you've already done? How can you have sex, a virgin orgasm?' He even joked 'only in national cinema, only in the 'Boca do Lixo' this can happen!'", Alves recalls.