6 reviews
I'm not Christian. I do not promote Christianity or see Christianity as truth. It's not.
However, I can rant against this guy all day and spout all the negatives but I won't. I know all the crooked things this guy is about. Youtube has tons of videos exposing him. I know.
I don't watch him or listen to him. I am someone who will listen to anyone for spiritual enlightenment and to learn from Muslims, Kemetic, Africanism, Hebrew Israelitism, conscious community, gurus etc. I like to learn from everyone. My family watches him because they don't know better, so sometimes I have to listen to what he is saying. And to be honest he gives good motivational advice. Like any public speaker does. Does this make me want to worship him and give him all my money. NOOOOO!
I don't follow and agree with everyone, however I can take a couple of things and apply it to life or think about it.
Joel Osteen may not talk like how black churches do with the antic and silliness. That's a good thing. He doesn't hypnotize his servants with music like the black church does, so they can dance and go into a trance. I can't go through that again.
Joel Osteen talks normally, calm and uses life examples. He is one Christian preacher that I could actually sit and listen to without cringing.
Verdict: Black churches can learn from him. Televanglists are crooked at the same time try to find some positive in them. Don't become a servant to them, become a leader of your own life. Save your money and build your own empire.
However, I can rant against this guy all day and spout all the negatives but I won't. I know all the crooked things this guy is about. Youtube has tons of videos exposing him. I know.
I don't watch him or listen to him. I am someone who will listen to anyone for spiritual enlightenment and to learn from Muslims, Kemetic, Africanism, Hebrew Israelitism, conscious community, gurus etc. I like to learn from everyone. My family watches him because they don't know better, so sometimes I have to listen to what he is saying. And to be honest he gives good motivational advice. Like any public speaker does. Does this make me want to worship him and give him all my money. NOOOOO!
I don't follow and agree with everyone, however I can take a couple of things and apply it to life or think about it.
Joel Osteen may not talk like how black churches do with the antic and silliness. That's a good thing. He doesn't hypnotize his servants with music like the black church does, so they can dance and go into a trance. I can't go through that again.
Joel Osteen talks normally, calm and uses life examples. He is one Christian preacher that I could actually sit and listen to without cringing.
Verdict: Black churches can learn from him. Televanglists are crooked at the same time try to find some positive in them. Don't become a servant to them, become a leader of your own life. Save your money and build your own empire.
- ThunderKing6
- Sep 27, 2020
- Permalink
Why she had to go to a surgeon to get a new one? PS: Guess who paid for it? YOU did!
I am channel surfing, trying to get to the Travel Channel for some Lucifer worshipping and spooks, and I land on TBN! His wife is sitting there with a bunch of other crones, with a facelift so tight her colon must be having tea with her nape.
All churches are big phoneys. ALL of them. Call your local ones when YOU need help and the first thing they ask of you is "are you a church member?" "Well I used to go 14 years ago but now I have a job and work Sunday mornings." It does not matter to them! I was corrected in believing that a church member is someone who parks their rear in a chair, on Sundays. No. A member is someone who TITHES 10/100 of their income every week!!! And if you haven't done that for years, folks, you ain't getting none of that back!
Where does your money go? NEVER EVER "to help the poor, the starving". Nope. It goes to pay their mortgage and electric (etc) bills, and then it get stashed behind the toilet walls (ask Joel: they found his prosperity checks right there! What a dummy the handyman was: should have kept it!) and it goes to buy these rich pastors mansions, cars, and women plus blow to use for their yacht parties they have behind their wives' back! (Hmm... maybe that explains Victoria's face lift? She's sixty now and trying to appear 39, except when the camera pans and you see all the caked on pancake foundation, spackled on Texas style, and which she probably owns stock in!)
Look, the messages are fine, they're Tony Robbins type of positive thinking, except that stuff never works and is just designed, like a weight loss diet, to make you feel bad about yourself (after you try and see the flaws in the program!) and keep you poor/obese and coming back for more!
Joel is probably the elite. Look, personally, I believe Jesus to be an evil entity, the bible written by the elite to control you and Morningstar is the real god that was kicked out of heaven and who can't do anything for you as long as you end your prayers with the evil tulpa's name. THIS has to explain why we're in the mess we're in, politic wise. Now they want to abolish meat and make you eat bugs. I bet this dude right here is part of that!
Well, at least his kids are polite and well behaved, so there's that! As for the people who are hellbent (LOL!) in hearing him preach about destruction and evil Jesus...well that explains everything, doesn't it?! Question everything and don't buy the bull the elite is peddling to you. Use YOUR brain. THINK! WHY is "the devil" 's name "Morning Star"!? HELLO! He is the ANGEL fallen because the devil (Jesus) kicked his ass to hell. And why would you trust and worship a god who's name is the same as my foreign gardener?
I rest my case. Worshipping Jesus is the reason why evil has come upon you and your life : you're calling for woe, loss and destruction! Think about it!! Would the Vatican allow your life to be happy? PS: Mother Teresa was a billionaire from all the Princess Diana (and other celebs) funneled donations. But did she use any of it to heal and house the homeless and poor of Calcutta? Nope. Guess what she did with it? She gave it all to the pope, and you know what they say about those and children...
As for Joel? What can be said about him that wasn't already tweeted back in 2009 (yet all promptly forgotten), when he let poor Black people drown rather than open his church to the flood victims. Nope. He let them all die. Shame on you all! His football stadium.. I mean his church (LOL) should have been empty from thereon. But nope. Fools and their money and all that...
PS: Joel Osteen DOES have collection ushers that pass the basket, I see them on TV all the time. He would be more interesting if he "lost" the Jesus, but then he would lose half his money and have to pay taxes. And you would do well to test Lucifer Morningstar and star praying to him for a week, and see if your life don't improve. Hey, you've sold your soul to the Jesus and look the mess you're in. Guess why the elite wants you to have fun and be wealthy and have a happy, successful life is of "the devil"?? Because that's how they stay rich and use you, poor folks, to serve them.
(Lucifer = fun, happy life and Jesus = woe and bad fortune and yet you persist on worshipping that fraud?! THINK you fools, think! You've been brainwashed. Evil is the repository of negative things, and that your Jesus! ) Any questions? Search and read the entire text of Dick Sutphen's The Battle for Your Mind. Learn how YOU were brainwashed. Then you can start to deprogram yourself. This whole mythology (Jesus/Devil) is hogwash but at least now you know why your life is one of misery: cause you bring it upon yourself... "in Jesus' name"! Class dismissed!
I am channel surfing, trying to get to the Travel Channel for some Lucifer worshipping and spooks, and I land on TBN! His wife is sitting there with a bunch of other crones, with a facelift so tight her colon must be having tea with her nape.
All churches are big phoneys. ALL of them. Call your local ones when YOU need help and the first thing they ask of you is "are you a church member?" "Well I used to go 14 years ago but now I have a job and work Sunday mornings." It does not matter to them! I was corrected in believing that a church member is someone who parks their rear in a chair, on Sundays. No. A member is someone who TITHES 10/100 of their income every week!!! And if you haven't done that for years, folks, you ain't getting none of that back!
Where does your money go? NEVER EVER "to help the poor, the starving". Nope. It goes to pay their mortgage and electric (etc) bills, and then it get stashed behind the toilet walls (ask Joel: they found his prosperity checks right there! What a dummy the handyman was: should have kept it!) and it goes to buy these rich pastors mansions, cars, and women plus blow to use for their yacht parties they have behind their wives' back! (Hmm... maybe that explains Victoria's face lift? She's sixty now and trying to appear 39, except when the camera pans and you see all the caked on pancake foundation, spackled on Texas style, and which she probably owns stock in!)
Look, the messages are fine, they're Tony Robbins type of positive thinking, except that stuff never works and is just designed, like a weight loss diet, to make you feel bad about yourself (after you try and see the flaws in the program!) and keep you poor/obese and coming back for more!
Joel is probably the elite. Look, personally, I believe Jesus to be an evil entity, the bible written by the elite to control you and Morningstar is the real god that was kicked out of heaven and who can't do anything for you as long as you end your prayers with the evil tulpa's name. THIS has to explain why we're in the mess we're in, politic wise. Now they want to abolish meat and make you eat bugs. I bet this dude right here is part of that!
Well, at least his kids are polite and well behaved, so there's that! As for the people who are hellbent (LOL!) in hearing him preach about destruction and evil Jesus...well that explains everything, doesn't it?! Question everything and don't buy the bull the elite is peddling to you. Use YOUR brain. THINK! WHY is "the devil" 's name "Morning Star"!? HELLO! He is the ANGEL fallen because the devil (Jesus) kicked his ass to hell. And why would you trust and worship a god who's name is the same as my foreign gardener?
I rest my case. Worshipping Jesus is the reason why evil has come upon you and your life : you're calling for woe, loss and destruction! Think about it!! Would the Vatican allow your life to be happy? PS: Mother Teresa was a billionaire from all the Princess Diana (and other celebs) funneled donations. But did she use any of it to heal and house the homeless and poor of Calcutta? Nope. Guess what she did with it? She gave it all to the pope, and you know what they say about those and children...
As for Joel? What can be said about him that wasn't already tweeted back in 2009 (yet all promptly forgotten), when he let poor Black people drown rather than open his church to the flood victims. Nope. He let them all die. Shame on you all! His football stadium.. I mean his church (LOL) should have been empty from thereon. But nope. Fools and their money and all that...
PS: Joel Osteen DOES have collection ushers that pass the basket, I see them on TV all the time. He would be more interesting if he "lost" the Jesus, but then he would lose half his money and have to pay taxes. And you would do well to test Lucifer Morningstar and star praying to him for a week, and see if your life don't improve. Hey, you've sold your soul to the Jesus and look the mess you're in. Guess why the elite wants you to have fun and be wealthy and have a happy, successful life is of "the devil"?? Because that's how they stay rich and use you, poor folks, to serve them.
(Lucifer = fun, happy life and Jesus = woe and bad fortune and yet you persist on worshipping that fraud?! THINK you fools, think! You've been brainwashed. Evil is the repository of negative things, and that your Jesus! ) Any questions? Search and read the entire text of Dick Sutphen's The Battle for Your Mind. Learn how YOU were brainwashed. Then you can start to deprogram yourself. This whole mythology (Jesus/Devil) is hogwash but at least now you know why your life is one of misery: cause you bring it upon yourself... "in Jesus' name"! Class dismissed!
- imdb-25288
- May 2, 2023
- Permalink
It's a shame Joel Osteen is such a good success. He preaches to a huge church every Sunday. He's in the same league as all the other pastors, except there's something about him that makes him stand out as so much more powerful. Why is this?
The reason is simple, it's because Joel's sermons are not about God, they are about YOU! Osteen creates a different version of the Lord and takes the biblical scripture out of context.
Here's a collection of strong biblical truths that Joel refuses to reveal:
1. We are sinners 2. Those who don't believe in Christ will not inhabit the kingdom of God 3. Jesus died to pay for our sins 4. The ten commandments 5. The prophecy 6. We should commit to the Lord
What do all 5 of those elements have in common? The're not sugar sweets for the ears! Here's a replacement of how Joel changes God's word in order NOT to upset his congregation with the truth:
1. Think positive 3. God loves you 4. Because God lived, you shall live also 5. Don't let Satan's negativity get you down 6. The Lord provides
Is Joel sweet? Yes. Is Joel encouraging? Absolutely, but his entire message is about preaching to people, and telling you how you can live for yourself, not living for God. His sermons only use Jesus as a way of making you feel like there's an outside spiritual force that does nothing but good and provides for you. That is NOT what God is about. It clearly says in the Bible that we are to devote our lives to God, and praise him, follow him and obey the law. Joel Osteen never says this.
Another agenda in Joel's teaching is something he refers to as reprogramming your mind. This is a process in which you must put an image of prosperity, joy and success in your mind. If you do so, then "God" will provide you with these things. My question to Joel is, WHERE THE HECK DOES THE BIBLE SAY THAT?
This process of reprogramming your mind not only has zero to do with the bible, but it resembles another religion's method. That religion is Wicca! Ironically, Wicca just happens to be the ONLY religion in the bible that is addressed as an abomination of the Lord. If you research the religion of Wicca, you will find that the an important roll, is engaging in creating imagery in your mind of what you pursue. If you do so, then through the power of spiritual feelings and meditation, you can get what ever you want, and feel what ever you want. Compare this to Joel's idea of mind programming, it is IDENTICAL to the Wicca routine. The only difference, is that Joel wrongfully stamps the name of God on it.
The reason is simple, it's because Joel's sermons are not about God, they are about YOU! Osteen creates a different version of the Lord and takes the biblical scripture out of context.
Here's a collection of strong biblical truths that Joel refuses to reveal:
1. We are sinners 2. Those who don't believe in Christ will not inhabit the kingdom of God 3. Jesus died to pay for our sins 4. The ten commandments 5. The prophecy 6. We should commit to the Lord
What do all 5 of those elements have in common? The're not sugar sweets for the ears! Here's a replacement of how Joel changes God's word in order NOT to upset his congregation with the truth:
1. Think positive 3. God loves you 4. Because God lived, you shall live also 5. Don't let Satan's negativity get you down 6. The Lord provides
Is Joel sweet? Yes. Is Joel encouraging? Absolutely, but his entire message is about preaching to people, and telling you how you can live for yourself, not living for God. His sermons only use Jesus as a way of making you feel like there's an outside spiritual force that does nothing but good and provides for you. That is NOT what God is about. It clearly says in the Bible that we are to devote our lives to God, and praise him, follow him and obey the law. Joel Osteen never says this.
Another agenda in Joel's teaching is something he refers to as reprogramming your mind. This is a process in which you must put an image of prosperity, joy and success in your mind. If you do so, then "God" will provide you with these things. My question to Joel is, WHERE THE HECK DOES THE BIBLE SAY THAT?
This process of reprogramming your mind not only has zero to do with the bible, but it resembles another religion's method. That religion is Wicca! Ironically, Wicca just happens to be the ONLY religion in the bible that is addressed as an abomination of the Lord. If you research the religion of Wicca, you will find that the an important roll, is engaging in creating imagery in your mind of what you pursue. If you do so, then through the power of spiritual feelings and meditation, you can get what ever you want, and feel what ever you want. Compare this to Joel's idea of mind programming, it is IDENTICAL to the Wicca routine. The only difference, is that Joel wrongfully stamps the name of God on it.
- sitonpickle
- Jul 15, 2011
- Permalink
I do not like most religious shows and I like Joel Osteen. Most religious shows are preachy, dry, boring, and have no reference to modern living. Jesus taught in story and so does Joel. The viewer can relate to the story and apply the stories to modern living. I like advice about enemies at work self doubt in life, etc. Much better than stories with guilt and a heavy message. The "this is my bible" start of the show starts with a bang and the rest of the message just takes off from there. Way to go God, Joel and everyone else involved in the show. Well paced, 8 out of 10. Pretty cool to have a Church out of an old basketball arena. How big 18 000 or 25, 000?
Joel is a positive thinking spiritual man who shares in stories and down to earth metaphors. Thank goodness he leaves out the negative Old Testament God in need of anger management! His messages are that of a prosperity preacher. The story of how he came to be the minister (death of his father) and his faith based acquisition of the Houston arena that was won by the vote of a gay woman on City Council who is now mayor is remarkable in itself and is frequently mentioned as an example of overcoming adversity to achieve one's highest good.
Joel frequently states that we are made perfect in the Divine order and are no mistake, that we should express ourselves fully. I do believe this is in contradiction to his stand against marriage equality (although he will never oppose any civil rights or become politically involved). In fact, Joel never puts anyone down. I guess he is still learning (and unlearning) things along the way like the rest of us.
I would note that Joel does not ask for money, and takes no salary. His only benefit is the income from the books he writes, which basically say the prosperity message.
The challenge for any preacher is to keep finding new ideas and new ways to put the message across, and Joel is no exception to this rule. Overall, I would say one can gain enthusiasm, support, and spiritual focus by learning from Joel Osteen.
Joel frequently states that we are made perfect in the Divine order and are no mistake, that we should express ourselves fully. I do believe this is in contradiction to his stand against marriage equality (although he will never oppose any civil rights or become politically involved). In fact, Joel never puts anyone down. I guess he is still learning (and unlearning) things along the way like the rest of us.
I would note that Joel does not ask for money, and takes no salary. His only benefit is the income from the books he writes, which basically say the prosperity message.
The challenge for any preacher is to keep finding new ideas and new ways to put the message across, and Joel is no exception to this rule. Overall, I would say one can gain enthusiasm, support, and spiritual focus by learning from Joel Osteen.
- MIchaelSD3099
- Oct 18, 2014
- Permalink
- romans-48442
- Jun 28, 2017
- Permalink