I have to say coming in to this film my expectations were pretty low. And the first few scenes my expectations were met every way. I felt that because it had no A-List actors the movie was going to bomb, boy was I wrong. Nayoung Lee plays her role perfectly, and in hindsight (which they say is 20/20) I can see no other actress who could have played it. I honestly did not know this actress before this film, and during it I was confused as to whether she was supposed to be blind or not. Just due to the way she looks, and acts. In fact, I had to say she looked very odd. But aside from the initial reaction, she melted into her character and was great. The character development of this film was spectacular, all romantic comedies from the motherland all try to have a dramatic scene in the rain with everyone crying and such, this movie uses a blend of awkward 'getting to know each other' time and the occasional dramatic yelling and screaming over the pitter patter of cg rain, to produce a ... awesome end product. Sorry couldn't think of a better word. I feel this is more a sappy "guy who likes to watch sappy chick flick" movie then a regular chick flick, but all you ladies are welcome to get your ben and jerrys and settle down in front of the computer or TV because your heart will be warmed up instantly by this cleverly written and directed diamond in the rough.