In the scene before the first blast at the Bombay Stock Exchange, one of the extras at the right of the screen is seen wearing a soccer jersey of the club Real Madrid which says "Beckham - 23". This is factually incorrect because Beckham only moved to Real Madrid in 2003, while the blasts occurred in 1993.
When the dog is taken inside the small go-down to check the sacks containing the RDX, it simply whimpers and comes out(because it only smells fish), thus indicating that there is no explosive material. But when the cop comes in and kicks the bottom sack, he finds the stuff. The dog itself smelled the lowermost sack in the first place, yet it did not bark.
In the shots showing Dubai almost all the cars visible on the road are post 2000 models i.e. the Mazda 6, the Toyota Corrola but the movie is based in 1993.
When the car enters BSE building, in the background, you can see the billboard of HSBC Mutual Fund, which was not launched in India in 1993. It entered India in 2002.