This is really brilliant stuff, Alexander Lou (from previous Ninja-hits like "The Super Ninja" and "Mafia vs. Ninja" amongst others) is starring as a good guy, whose girlfriend gets kidnapped by a bunch of criminals, led by George Nicholas and his trusty henchman Eugene Thomas (I can't remember any of the character's names, so I'll just use the actors real names, we all know who they are anyway...or at least I do) - Lou must fight a hard-trained kamikaze ninja-army before he can free his girlfriend, but in the end, we don't even see him freeing her! The movie ends very abruptly, and is really the only downside to it. All the fighting is great, very inventive (The part with the hidden dove was amazing! Very clever! But I still couldn't help laughing my ass off, because it was totally unexpected!) There's a lot of reversed scenes too, maybe it's to give us the illusion of the ninja's doing incredible back-flips up a wall, but it just looks silly!
The dubbing is also quite funny, it's done in such a poor way, you can't stop wondering why the hell they didn't just use the original audio-track, since almost all the actors were English-speaking anyway! Oh well, maybe they just couldn't afford proper microphones and sound...or something.
I always enjoy watching a good movie like this, especially when it's with Alexander Lou and Eugene Thomas, they make a very good pair! They were like the Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker of the 1980's! Except when we laugh at them, it's most likely unintentional.
If you like entertaining martial arts, creative ideas, atrocious dubbing, that good old 80's vibe, and totally crazy off-the-wall directing, then this movie is for YOU! And watching it with a bunch of friends sure helps it A LOT! I give it 9/10, but only because I liked "Mafia vs. Ninja" and "The Super Ninja" better! The entertainment value is top-notch! Worth every minute you spend watching it!