Has Fox morphed into the Reality Channel?
It would seem that way. Every season Fox looks for ways to get more and more extreme with their primetime reality shows, not to mention more and more low-class. 'The Swan', Fox's newest reality endeavor, takes a group of women with no self-esteem and promises to make them beautiful. The ladies, who are in obvious need of more help than just physically, believe that their new beauty will fix their present lives and help them forget a lousy past. The idea is to select only a few of the most beautiful ladies from the group for a big beauty pageant at the end, to see who the ultimate Swan is.
In a society where self-respect is nearly extinct, shows like this only make the situation worse. The problem is seriously underestimated. I watched the first episode of The Swan the other night, and I was actually disgusted by the plastic surgery results. Ladies that look normal, healthy, and beautiful just the way they are, are being turned into plastic dolls with street-walker makeup. Many of the women on the show are wives and mothers, and I shudder to think what sort of example they are setting for their families and children. True beauty comes from the inside. Face lifts won't fix inner problems with self-esteem. These superficial women obviously have no clue.
I really don't know who is worse: the people who want to participate in this show, or the people who intend to keep watching it. I am sorry I wasted my time to view it, much less write a review on it. I keep hoping the human race will wake up and smell the coffee, but I guess it won't be happening anytime soon; at least not before the human race is given a face lift, a tummy tuck, and hair extensions.