In the midst of deadly and rampant plagues, the vampire is born. During several centuries that follow, the vampire race becomes known as "The Brotherhood", keepers of the faith, holy icons of hope and inspiration during a time of pestilence despair. Unfortunately, one of the bros ( Leo Gregory) gets a taste of some bad blood and slowly graduates from serial killer to mass murderer. It's up to his "biological" brother (Dougray Scott) and a cop (Saffron Burrows) to rein him before he gives The Brotherhood a bad rap.
"Perfect Creature" has a lot going for it. The premise is intriguing enough, the characters are interesting, and it casts (pardon the pun) an interesting light on the vampire genre. Edgar, the psychotic Brother is quite sinister and contrasts nicely against his priestly peers. Burrows and Scott also adeptly assume the shoes of their roles as well.
The bummer is that the film lacks in plot development and suffers from some pretty significant story flaws. How do the Brothers sustain their need for blood? What exactly is their religion? Why don't those bitten by Edgar contract his virus? I guess, referencing the common question from the film "Outbreak", is it airborne?
For me, "perfect Creature" ascended nicely from nothingness, but its wings never fully developed and it took a nose dive back into its grave.