Laurence Fox credited as playing...
Sir Christopher Hatton
- Sir Christopher Hatton: Be warned by the atrocities in France! God-fearing Christians murdered by Papist cut-throats inflamed by hatred of the truth!
- Lord Howard: We know the Catholics take their orders from Spain. The Spanish speak openly of Mary Stuart as Queen of England in waiting.
- Queen Elizabeth I: [sharply] Mary Stuart is a Queen cast out by her own ungrateful nation.
- Sir Christopher Hatton: With respect, Majesty: a Catholic Queen. Your loyal Protestant supporters don't understand why Mary Stuart lives under our protection at our expense. Very considerable expense.
- Queen Elizabeth I: Mary Stuart is my cousin. She is our guest. And she is under our control.
- Lord Howard: But while she lives, Majesty, she is a beacon that draws our enemies' eyes and hopes.
- Queen Elizabeth I: [speculating] While she lives?
- Sir Christopher Hatton: She is the poison at the heart of England. The poison must be cut out.
- Queen Elizabeth I: You'd have me make a martyr of her. What is her crime?
- Sir Christopher Hatton: [the Archduke Charles of Austria's portrait is presented as a possible suitor] An Austrian alliance would keep France quiet.
- Sir Francis Walsingham: And put Philip on a leash.
- Queen Elizabeth I: I've become almost enthusiastic. Send for him.