They say to be a good comic it's all about...timing.Well,Lewis Black has his timing down to an animated art form,which has you laughing before he even delivers his 'punchline' or sentence.He points a lot and crosses his eyes at pivotal points in his dialogue which is both unique and hilarious and adds to what he is saying,which is mostly a bitter rant about the state of our economy,corporate businesses, and our world leaders.Oh,and milk and water of all things get a mention,and it's one of those it's funny 'cause it's true moments.Lewis has a knack of taking the simplest things in life and making a parody of them,and people too,unashamedly.No one is safe from his wrath.He has a non-chalance about him,but commands an attentive tears-in-their-eyes audience.This show is as good as I have ever seen from a comedian,he's right up there with Billy Connolly,and I'd recommend it to anyone who likes a good belly-laugh.But if obscenities offend you then this guy ain't for you.