It was the live version of Auf Wiedersehen, Pet at the first Sunday for Sammy show, that indirectly prompted the series to return to television
Jimmy Nail and Val McLane are real life brother and sister. This is the first time they have ever sang together publicly
Peter Peverley appears in this show paying his regular tribute to famous North East comedian Bobby Thompson, "The little Waster". So accurate is his portrayal of him, the Thompson family gave him Bobby's original clothes/costume to perform his act in, and he is seen wearing them at this concert.
Although this is the first Sunday for Sammy concert to be commercially released on DVD/Video, this is actually the third concert to have been organized. The two previous were in 2000 and 2002. As of the 2002 concert, there have been two concerts, both identical, performed on in the afternoon and another in the evening, simply to keep up with the demand for tickets. The video/DVD is made up of both afternoon and evening concerts, although the vast majority (about 90%) comes from the afternoon show.