Matthew McConaughey credited as playing...
- Brandon Lang: [on a golf range with Brandon hitting golf balls] Talk to me, so how'd we do?
- Walter Abrams: You haven't seen the scores?
- Brandon Lang: No, it's how I wanted it, make my picks and get the results later
- Walter Abrams: Highest sales volume ever take a guess how we did?
- Brandon Lang: Yeah I think we kicked ass
- Walter Abrams: [sarcastically] It was amazing
- Brandon Lang: Last week was nothing
- Walter Abrams: Your right, it was nothing compared to what we lost today
- Brandon Lang: [surprised] Where'd I go?
- Walter Abrams: I got an idea why don't I give you a glimpse of what happened then you take a stab on how you went?
- Brandon Lang: Just give me the numbers
- Walter Abrams: Grown men crying on the phone, their wives screaming in the background, three sales people quit couldn't take the pressure
- Brandon Lang: Fuck
- Walter Abrams: No, no you lose ten out of twelve "fuck" doesn't quite cover it, you know what'd be more appropriate? Something like "holy fucking shit" or "Jesus fucking Christ" you go two for twelve on our highest weekend ever and what's left to say? Except we keep the phone number and switch it to a suicide hotline, tomorrow morning Brandon we start all over again
- Walter Abrams: [in Walter's office] This is dangerous territory we're getting into. You understand that. But I'm gonna bump you. ok? ten percent ok?Now talk to me about Monday night because everyone, and I mean everyone, is gonna double down after the hole you put 'em in.
- Brandon Lang: Monday night's fine.
- Walter Abrams: You bet your mother's house on it?
- Brandon Lang: I don't bet, Walter.
- Walter Abrams: If you did?
- Brandon Lang: [avoiding the question] I like the pick, Walter.
- Walter Abrams: On your mother's house or not?
- Brandon Lang: [with his upper body hunched forward in his chair] With my mother in it.
- Brandon Lang: [on the phone] Amir, you've got to kidding me, you're going to sit there and hassle me over fifty grand after the two hundred and fifty grand I just made you last weekend you think you're going to cut me off?I'm going to cut you off.
- Brandon Lang: [seductively, in the lobby of her apartment building] What do you say we go out for a late dinner right now have a couple kilo bottles of wine go back to that place where we first met?
- Alexandria: Are you out of your mind? I live in this building asshole this is home I don't appreciate you stopping by without calling
- Brandon Lang: Whoa, what the hell's gotten into you?
- Alexandria: Let me make the shit real clear so this doesn't happen again, you made five thousand bucks, your friend set it up
- Walter Abrams: [as Brandon enters his office] Do you know what time it is?
- Brandon Lang: [looking at his watch] It is 8:37 in the morning
- Walter Abrams: Wrong it's time to press my man we're going to yank out all the stops, when your winning you press you don't rest on your laurels what are you doing?
- Brandon Lang: [grabbing his golf clubs from the closet] I have a ten thirty tee time with a client so don't call me unless the line's changed got it?
- Walter Abrams: The salmon are running, you've got to stay here field phone calls you can't go out and have fun, come on, stop playing around you got work to do
- Brandon Lang: I'm not "asking" you if I could go I'm "telling" you that's how it is, you want me to make my picks I can give you those
- Walter Abrams: Start picking on Tuesday for the weekend, you know we're going to be advising somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty million dollars this week
- Brandon Lang: Circling
- [his picks on a piece of paper]
- Brandon Lang: that's a nice neighborhood we should be doing double that by week ten
- Walter Abrams: I see, you're going to make the picks no study no analysis you're just going to pick them
- Brandon Lang: I'm locked in Walter I don't really need it there's my picks for This week
- [hands Walter his picks]
- Brandon Lang: , if you need next week's picks I can give you those by Friday
- Walter Abrams: I'm starting to get the drift here we'll put these picks on ice and we'll talk about them tomorrow
- Brandon Lang: I won't be in tomorrow
- Walter Abrams: Then the next day
- Brandon Lang: We'll talk about it
- Brandon Lang: [Brandon ignores Walter and leaves]
- Novian: [after Novian's bodyguard pushed Brandon off his bicycle and is holding down on the ground] I didn't reconize you without the suit John
- Brandon Lang: [as Novian's bodyguard pins Brandon to the ground] This is my time off if you want to talk make an appointment
- Novian: Should I call you Brandon? someone costs you thirty million you do research, I got more than your name, where you live, where you're from, where your family lives your mom's a sweet lady I just come from Vegas, she got me three black jacks she's a good woman, who's a cocky motherfucker that came into my house?
- Brandon Lang: [nervously] You don't like the picks use somebody else
- Novian: just come for an apology, just look me in the eye and say you're sorry, say it so it'll make me believe you mean it
- Brandon Lang: [Novian's bodyguard stands Brandon up and his mouth next to Novian's ear] I'm sorry
- Novian: Fuck that I'm not going to accept that, come on, one more time
- Brandon Lang: [softly] I'm sorry
- Novian: [starts to unzip his pants] You mother fucker your not even close, I'm going to get my satisfaction
- Novian: [urinates on Brandon]
- Brandon Lang: [in the living room inside Novian's mansion] Let's start with how much you bet
- Novian: A million a game across the board
- Novian: Is that the ceiling here? is that the most we're working with?
- [looking out the window]
- Novian: do you rent that yacht?
- Novian: No, I own it
- Brandon Lang: That's how I feel about this weekend and I'm not being cocky I'm being straight commerce with you, I didn't come here to bullshit you got some inside information I know these teams better than they know themselves I'm going twelve for twelve this weekend and that includes the Monday night parlay
- Walter Abrams: We need a bat light like one of those signals that shoot up into the clouds no matter where you are no matter what time of day just look up and say "hey Walter needs me" because I must have beeped you a hundred fucking times
- Brandon Lang: Who were they?
- [Sarcastically]
- Brandon Lang: the Salvation Army, how does someone go one for eight? A fucking monkey tossing darts could do better
- Brandon Lang: What's with all the money?
- Walter Abrams: I got a plan, we take all your picks we reverse them like one of those twilight zone episodes where everything is the opposite you say "black" we go white
- Brandon Lang: How much is there?
- Walter Abrams: [Holding up stacks of cash] peanuts, two hundred seventy five thousand that's how desperate I am
- Brandon Lang: What happen to the two million?
- Walter Abrams: Two million? I was carrying twice that in red ink before you even showed up, look around you everything you see is smoking mirrors I got three mortgages on this house what do you want to know? I'm gambling again
- Brandon Lang: [On the TV show] This is John Anthony, the million dollar man with the billion dollar plan, from Wall Street to Tokyo to Hollywood all your big money is going to stay and play with me, that's right, that's why they call me "the million dollar man", I can't say that, someone wrote some very clever stuff for me here like the "the million dollar man", so let's just call me John, I play quarter back division one and every QB knows the secret, the key to victory is anticipation, the ability to see the future and react to it, that is what I do, and that is the truth, for over one year I have been picking eighty percent winners unbelievable? Used to be, I know the leagues, I know the teams, I know the players, I know this wonderful game called football, call the number on the bottom of the screen and ask for John, let's make some money.
- Walter Abrams: [inside Walter's office] There's half a dozen games left I want you to watch every second of every minute of every one of them so sit down, you know how you go three and eleven don't you? You go three and eleven when you make Sunday's picks on Tuesdays it rains in Cincinnati on Saturday two starting quarterbacks never got to play, that's how you go three and eleven, you're a handicapper not a psychic
- Brandon Lang: We still got Monday night parlay
- Walter Abrams: Fuck Monday night fuck the parlay this isn't about that it's not about me it's about the commission thing
- Brandon Lang: I don't know about that
- Walter Abrams: Don't bullshit me, I'm going to bump you ten percent ok? You earned it this is dangerous territory we're getting into, you understand that? But I'm going to bump you now talk to me about Monday night because everyone and I mean everyone is going to double down after the hole you just put them in
- Brandon Lang: [Brandon driving Toni to work] let me ask you a question, when you're not at the salon or bringing Julia to play dates or keeping Walter in line which I know is a full time job, what do you for you?
- Toni Morrow: I stay busy
- Brandon Lang: That's not what I asked what do you for you?
- Toni Morrow: I was a junkie so every day I get up I wonder "is this the day? Is this the day i slip? End up back on the street?" just keeping it all on track that's what I do for me
- Brandon Lang: Well that's not living that is maintaining, that's cashing in that's not living
- Toni Morrow: What the hell does that mean? Are we talking "perfection" here?
- Brandon Lang: I'm not talking "perfection" nobody's perfect except for me last weekend going 14-0
- Toni Morrow: [Referring to Walter, while dining at a fancy restaurant] He's gambling
- Brandon Lang: Yeah
- Toni Morrow: He's gambling I just can't believe it I never saw it coming I just couldn't stop it
- Brandon Lang: I've got to win one more game
- Walter Abrams: I'm looking for a car for my friend
- Mercedes Dealer: Let's see what we can do, Mr. Anthony?
- Brandon Lang: [while posing as John Anthony] Yes sir
- Mercedes Dealer: Do you have any credit?
- Brandon Lang: [amused] No
- Mercedes Dealer: [to Walter] of course not, I don't know, can you trust him?
- Walter Abrams: With my wife: NAKED
- Mercedes Dealer: [to Brandon] In that case the floor is yours
- Brandon Lang: [Celebrating after wining twenty for twenty] You the man big papa.
- Walter Abrams: [hugging each other] I love you forever.
- Brandon Lang: How much of that cash would be for me?
- Walter Abrams: How about a one with five zeros behind it?
- Brandon Lang: [surprised and disappointed by the low amount] A hundred grand? On two million?
- Walter Abrams: You'd be working out of my "shop".
- Brandon Lang: Yes sir I am this is your "shop", I'm just saying feed the horse, maybe ten percent?
- Walter Abrams: [amused] Ten percent? Is that what you're thinking? That's a beautiful thought, forget it.
- Walter Abrams: [over the phone] congratulations you went nine and two last Sunday. I don't know if you know me but I run the biggest sports betting service in the country and I'm a big fan of yours, as a matter of fact I got a poster of you on my wall
- Brandon Lang: This is a joke right?
- Walter Abrams: No this is not a joke, this is a job offer in your top drawer there's an envelope with your name on it, inside the envelop there's travel cash and an airline ticket, this isn't a magic trick I paid someone to put it there Who incidentally told me that the place you work in reminded him of a Turkish prison. All I'm asking you is to come up with a number, you write down the number of what you make now, then you cross it out and write what you should be making. Then you toss in what it's going to take you to fly to New York first class and come work for me. Now focus because with your injured knee, a comeback is just a dream my offer is real.
- Walter Abrams: [to Toni while walking with her and Brandon] Will you stop worrying we're set for life we've got "Jimmy the Greek", here he makes Nostradamus look like a fucking novelty act.
- Brandon Lang: Have you been blocking any of my calls?
- Walter Abrams: Of course you don't need distractions right now a lot of crazies out there.
- Brandon Lang: Does that include my father?
- Walter Abrams: If you're asking me, I'll tell you, yeah it does.
- Brandon Lang: You son of a bitch, for how long?
- Walter Abrams: About two weeks would you have taken the call if I put it through?
- Brandon Lang: That's not the point.
- Walter Abrams: Then what is the point? I'd like to know, what's the story with you and your father?
- Brandon Lang: You tell me you seem to know.
- Walter Abrams: Well I know pieces, that's about all I know, I was just trying to spare you.
- Brandon Lang: Spare me? What are you going to spare me from? He was a God damn drunk he left when I was nine I couldn't compete with his bottle: end of fucking story, so don't spare me nothing, if I want to talk to him I will.
- Walter Abrams: My father broke my nose three times, and Toni's childhood wasn't any better, she was abused by everybody in her family except the family dog, your father a drunk, and a jerk so what? It happens, I'm glad I blocked those calls you know why? You need a new image of a man, how about me?
- Brandon Lang: [Toni starts laughing] That's a scary fucking thought.
- Walter Abrams: Listen, the shit that happened to you, to me and to Toni you know what that is? We're just that fucked up, you've just got to say that out loud "we are just that fucked and we're not going to take it anymore".
- Brandon Lang: [to Toni while gently holding her hand] Will you have dinner with me tonight?
- Toni Morrow: I'm married to Walter.
- Walter Abrams: Ooooo... bogey.
- Walter Abrams: Do you understand?
- Brandon Lang: Hell yeah I understand. I'm John fucking Anthony: I've got a crystal ball!