McKenzie Freemantle credited as playing...
- [the team are having cookies and lemonade in the dugout]
- Saul: Sammy says the cookies are great.
- Hayley Goodfairer: Thank you!
- Saul: Can he have the recipe?
- Hayley Goodfairer: Sure. I'll write it down for you.
- Saul: [observing the changes the girls made to the dugout] The dugout's very tastefully done.
- Jenny, Penny: Thanks.
- David Durango: [sternly] Saul.
- Saul: What?
- David Durango: [whispers] Shut up.
- Tarqell: [observing the orange decor of the dugout] Orange *is* my favorite color.
- Hayley Goodfairer: Mine too!
- [David kicks Tarqell]
- Tarqell: Ow! What?
- [Penny looks at David funny]
- Mac McKing: [referring to the lemonade Hayley made] Is this freshly squeezed?
- Hayley Goodfairer: Yes, thank you for noticing.
- David Durango: Mac!
- Mac McKing: What?
- David Durango: [whispers] Shut it.
- Hayley Goodfairer: [introduces herself and her teammates] Anyway, this is Jenny and this is Penny and I'm...
- Mac McKing, David Durango, Tarqell, Johnnie Smalls, Saul: [interrupting; annoyed] Hayley Goodfairer; we know.
- David Durango: [introducing the boys] This is Tarqell, Mac, Saul, and his brother, Sam. We call him "Fingers". He's deaf. Just look at him when you talk to him. He can read lips.
- Hayley Goodfairer: Ok.
- [whispers and waves at Fingers]
- Hayley Goodfairer: Hi.
- Mac McKing: [When Johnnie lifts up the lantern to show the skull] Do you know what that looks like?
- Jenny: We see it, Mac, now shut up!
- [Goliath growls and there's a bunch of noise]
- Mac McKing: Did you guys hear that?
- Penny: [Penny and Jenny grab each other] We heard it, Mac, now shut up!