In French cinema,Yolande Moreau and Josiane Balasko share a very special status.They are an integral part of a rare breed of talented actresses who have also taken up film direction to broaden their artistic capabilities.In this manner it can be stated that there are a lot of similarities between Yolande Moreau and Josiane Balasko. However,there are also many differences in their style and treatment of innovative ideas.Josiane Balasko has made some quirky films which have a dream like quality to them.Yolande Moreau seems to be taking the same path with her own wisdom.Quand La Mer Monte has its fair share of happy moments but a lonely mother meeting an innocent loser type material is not at all new for French cinema.However,it is the presentation of this film which is quite unique.We also get to see many talented Belgian cinema actors such as Olivier Gourmet and Bouli Lanners.This is what makes Yolande Moreau an endearing character.This is a film which has been set in northern France,an area considered as backward by people from South France.The film is charming but it has its own annoyances too.By the time viewers are halfway through the film they are able to correctly guess that it would end with a sad event.This is the only major drawback of this deeply personal film as it is strictly for those cinema fans who would like to watch Théâtre Filmé/filmed theater.