This film is included on a DVD entitled "The Short Stack: Volume 1" and is a compilation of six short films.
The idea of making a short film that makes fun of a sex education class is a rather clever idea--especially when the class if conducted by a scary sex-less old matron like they had in this film. I loved when she showed the class a diagram of the ovaries and made it look and sound like something from a 1950s horror film. The problem, though, is that from there the film really did not pay off--mostly because it lacked subtlety or finesse. As a result, the film lost most of its punch and just seemed goofy and sensationalistic with all its gyrating and its inexplicable conclusion. I would have much preferred that instead of the film going WAAAY off the deep end and losing all sense of proportion that it instead would have pursued the idea of how confusing and scary this crazy teacher made sex seem. Then it could have been a film we could have all related to and enjoyed with a sense of "Oh,...I've been there!".