1 review
Mario vs donkey kong takes the plumber and the apes ongoing feud to the gameboy advance in a game thats fun , addictive, mentally stimulating and highly playable.
The game takes the basic layout of the original donkey kong games , adds elements of super mario bros 2 and cute, coulourful graphics as well as marios chirpy ad-libs that never get tiresome ("mamamia!!! times up!).Throw in some surprisingly complex puzzles and you've got a great game on your hands.
Music wise the tunes are catchy and cute and when they speed up to signify time running out, it adds a welcome air of tension to an already challenging game.
Proving that Nintendo know their stuff when it comes to hand held exclusives, Mario vs donkey kong is a gem of a game that you need in your gameboy advance game collection !
The game takes the basic layout of the original donkey kong games , adds elements of super mario bros 2 and cute, coulourful graphics as well as marios chirpy ad-libs that never get tiresome ("mamamia!!! times up!).Throw in some surprisingly complex puzzles and you've got a great game on your hands.
Music wise the tunes are catchy and cute and when they speed up to signify time running out, it adds a welcome air of tension to an already challenging game.
Proving that Nintendo know their stuff when it comes to hand held exclusives, Mario vs donkey kong is a gem of a game that you need in your gameboy advance game collection !