34 reviews
Disappointing, somewhat cheaply-made rebuke to the anti-Bush propaganda that led up to the 2004 U.S. presidential election, particularly Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11. It's basically a series of remarks from right-leaning analysts, including writer Charles Krauthammer, spliced with footage exposing the savageness of some anti-war protesters and the bias of figures like Michael Moore. Given its release prior to the 2004 election, it also takes aim at that year's ultimately unsuccessful Democratic nominee for president, John Kerry. Other topics covered include the razor-close 2000 election and appropriate responses to the threat of terrorism.
There are interesting films to be made from the right of the political spectrum (Michael Moore Hates America, to name the best). But this quickie production is never as good as it could have been. It's neither terrible nor great. Polical hacks will enjoy it more than anyone, but the average viewer will likely find it a bore.
There are interesting films to be made from the right of the political spectrum (Michael Moore Hates America, to name the best). But this quickie production is never as good as it could have been. It's neither terrible nor great. Polical hacks will enjoy it more than anyone, but the average viewer will likely find it a bore.
- ReelCheese
- Jul 14, 2006
- Permalink
Keeping in mind that this film is a response to Michael Moore and "Fahrenheit 9/11", which present a case to vote against President Bush, "C 4111" makes all the points on which to vote for him. Its fundamental flaw is that it makes Israel's best case for the Iraq war, not that of the U.S. Except for Fred Thompson, the stentorian lawyer-turned-actor-turned-Senator-turned-actor, the talking heads are pretty much AIPAC and Zionist. The lead spokesman is Charles Krauthammer, who never tires of advocating the use of U.S. power to pursue the expansionist goals of fanatical Zionists. He makes an excellent case that Bush supports the expansion of Israel, and that Hussein would oppose that (as will any future democratic Iraq), and so Bush should be reelected to continue to fight the anti-Zionists. Other Jewish spokesmen are also trundled out, including Michael Medved, who seems to harbor a grudge against Kerry from their Yale days. Medved does not present any Vietnam era credentials, so we must assume that he avoided service to establish a career as a movie reviewer. Another draft dodger with plenty to say about the patriotism of a combat veteran. In his own mind, he is an expert on the U.S. invasion of Iraq and Kerry's fitness to lead. He is particularly upset with Kerry's ambition, as though someone who succeeds in show business had no ambition! I was left with the impression that he has a Woody Allen inferiority complex.
Bush supporters will nod their heads at every point made, just as anti-Bush folks nodded at every point "F 9/11" made. The film is silliest when it includes Michael Moore in Kerry-and-friends shots, and always pans to Teresa Heinz Kerry, knowing that the pan will pander to Bush supporters. Moore was more effective in his cinematography, if just as silly.
The most effective segments were Kerry's and Edwards' own words on Hussein and weapons of mass destruction dating from before no WMD's were found! Least effective was the completely false assertion that Niger and yellow cake war justification was TRUE, even though Great Britain and the U.S. have admitted the evidence was FALSE. That is a bit "1984" considering that no nuclear equipment has been found in Iraq.
Mansoor Ijaz was an enigma. He seemed knowledgeable about terrorism and the U.S. involvement in the Middle East, but his ties to Republican hawks were apparent in his opinions that did not seem to flow from the facts he recited. Ijaz is founder and chairman of Crescent Investment Management LLC, a New York investment partnership between Ijaz, Lt. Gen. James Abrahamson (USAF Ret), former director of President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, a major Abu Dhabi investment group and the heir of a prominent European shipping family. Former CIA Director, Amb. R. James Woolsey, serves as vice chairman of Crescent's Board of Governors. Maybe that explains his opinions better than the facts.
The theater was nearly empty -- just me and two others -- so it was hard to gauge the gut reaction of the audience. Since "C 4111" is simply an unofficial campaign spot for Bush, I suspect that it does little to change viewers minds. Patriotic music played behind Kerry was supposed to be ironic, which patriotic music behind Bush was supposed to inspire us. You must be prejudiced for that to work! It will work, because only the choir will pay to listen to this sermon.
Bush supporters will nod their heads at every point made, just as anti-Bush folks nodded at every point "F 9/11" made. The film is silliest when it includes Michael Moore in Kerry-and-friends shots, and always pans to Teresa Heinz Kerry, knowing that the pan will pander to Bush supporters. Moore was more effective in his cinematography, if just as silly.
The most effective segments were Kerry's and Edwards' own words on Hussein and weapons of mass destruction dating from before no WMD's were found! Least effective was the completely false assertion that Niger and yellow cake war justification was TRUE, even though Great Britain and the U.S. have admitted the evidence was FALSE. That is a bit "1984" considering that no nuclear equipment has been found in Iraq.
Mansoor Ijaz was an enigma. He seemed knowledgeable about terrorism and the U.S. involvement in the Middle East, but his ties to Republican hawks were apparent in his opinions that did not seem to flow from the facts he recited. Ijaz is founder and chairman of Crescent Investment Management LLC, a New York investment partnership between Ijaz, Lt. Gen. James Abrahamson (USAF Ret), former director of President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, a major Abu Dhabi investment group and the heir of a prominent European shipping family. Former CIA Director, Amb. R. James Woolsey, serves as vice chairman of Crescent's Board of Governors. Maybe that explains his opinions better than the facts.
The theater was nearly empty -- just me and two others -- so it was hard to gauge the gut reaction of the audience. Since "C 4111" is simply an unofficial campaign spot for Bush, I suspect that it does little to change viewers minds. Patriotic music played behind Kerry was supposed to be ironic, which patriotic music behind Bush was supposed to inspire us. You must be prejudiced for that to work! It will work, because only the choir will pay to listen to this sermon.
Has ANYONE actually seen this film or did the plot summary make people rush to vote for 10's and 1's?
Obviously it occurs all the time but it's never been more apparent than here. It's sad really, there's no doubt how many democrats have come here and how many republicans.
Please get over your biases, all of you. No, you too. Saying Fahrenheit 9/11 is the worst movie you've ever seen and this movie's TRAILER the most captivating you've ever seen is not in any conceivable way objective and it discredits you from ever using the phrase, "you damn liberals".
Please, WATCH a movie before making up your mind about it, Michael Moore is not the only one who's permitted to make critical documentaries. At the same time, praising(or reversely, insulting) a movie you haven't seen just because it caters/doesn't cater to your political ideology is not in your best interest.
Obviously it occurs all the time but it's never been more apparent than here. It's sad really, there's no doubt how many democrats have come here and how many republicans.
Please get over your biases, all of you. No, you too. Saying Fahrenheit 9/11 is the worst movie you've ever seen and this movie's TRAILER the most captivating you've ever seen is not in any conceivable way objective and it discredits you from ever using the phrase, "you damn liberals".
Please, WATCH a movie before making up your mind about it, Michael Moore is not the only one who's permitted to make critical documentaries. At the same time, praising(or reversely, insulting) a movie you haven't seen just because it caters/doesn't cater to your political ideology is not in your best interest.
- carebearsrapedme
- Oct 19, 2004
- Permalink
Wow, this is the biggest piece of right wing propaganda to come out yet! I think everyone should at the very least take a deep look at the trailer, if you can't, let me break it down: 1. Michael Moore sound byte -"..there is no terrorist threat...". 2. Plane flies into trade center. 3. Man gets hand chopped off. WAIT A MINUTE! Thats not terrorism, thats Islamic law! The guy probably go caught stealing! So let me get this straight, are we no longer at war with terrorists, we are now at war with Islamic culture? Keep this on the down low! Better not tell the Saudis:) Bush might get a pay cut!
- williams916
- Oct 21, 2004
- Permalink
I think a little more effort could have gone into this. Anyone with even a basic knowledge of the topics and people covered in this movie will be at a loss as to how this can seriously be presented as fact. This movie probably did more to turn voters away from Bush than Farenheit 9/11. Perhaps it was meant to be a big joke - a mockery and a caricature of Michael Moore's brash style and sometimes unbelievable claims? I was hoping for good counterpoint - and of course movies like these and F 9/11 are always going to have that certain "spin" - but this "documentary" contains bold but false statements about subjects they probably shouldn't have mentioned if they wanted to sound credible. John O'Neill was actually brought in as a character witness to show how bad John Kerry is, which is like asking Saddam Hussein if he likes George Bush. If you choose to watch this film, please first go to your favorite sources and find "correct" facts on Joseph Wilson and the whole yellow cake thing, the "felon" voter fiasco in Florida in the 2000 election, and the whole true story behind John O'Neill - I would hate for anyone to walk away from this movie thinking they had been told hard facts. Regardless of your party affiliation or who you support, the learned viewer will find this movie irresponsible.
This is the Swiftboat Veterans for "Truth" equivalent in the theater. If you support president Bush then give your vote and money directly to his campaign - don't encourage this kind of boring unskilled propaganda and dirtfighting outside the appropriate arenas. Whats next? Amusementparks? Resorthotels? Moore is not popular (100.000.000USD+)because of his view - but because he is entertaining and skilled as a manipulator of sound and images in the context of ideas. Also please look at the comment made by the person before me - and you clearly see who this gospel is made for. If you do go and see it - do so after watching some Leni Riefenstahl movies first by the way and it will give you the scares!
Lionel Chetwynd made this film in slightly over 4 weeks. The quality of the film is very high in general but even more amazing considering the time available to him. The documentary examines the question of why there are the "Anyone But Bush" voters, what motivates them and what are the myths that keep getting perpetrated. It them examines these myths and sequentially demolishes them with facts. Also examines the philosophical differences between Bush and Kerry in regard to national security. Great interviews with Fred Thompson, Michael Medved (who knew Kerry in university) and others. Well worth seeing for the political junkie or people interested in the truth about Bush.
- general-35
- Oct 1, 2004
- Permalink
This movie had pretty much NOTHING to do with Michael Moore at all. They poorly attempt to associate 9/11 with Saddam in it, Christ give me a break. Bush even said he had nothing to do with it, but ohhh no, let's just play that card anyway.
The movie was just trying to bash Kerry in it about Vietnam. Which is interesting because they didn't' talk about what Bush was doing during that time.
The movie uses about 4 Michael Moore quotes, which I agree with with. Saying that America is the dumbest nation in the planet, and thanks to the voters on Nov 2, he was proved right.
Dumb movie, no plot to it and a bunch of half truths. You know, your usual right wing stuff.
The movie was just trying to bash Kerry in it about Vietnam. Which is interesting because they didn't' talk about what Bush was doing during that time.
The movie uses about 4 Michael Moore quotes, which I agree with with. Saying that America is the dumbest nation in the planet, and thanks to the voters on Nov 2, he was proved right.
Dumb movie, no plot to it and a bunch of half truths. You know, your usual right wing stuff.
- AntiFlag563
- Nov 15, 2004
- Permalink
Just saw this (first showing of the first day) and was impressed. It surely won't do the numbers "Fahrenheit 9/11" did (not much of an advertising push, not too many media mentions except maybe conservative talk radio shows) but it does provide a good "fact-checker" for the Moore film and for the current liberal movement.
Celsius 41.11 wonders why President Bush is hated by many in this country, even though we seemed so "united" after 9/11. It goes back to the 2000 vote counting controversy, and points out that previous Administrations turned a blind eye to terrorism (and certainly didn't fund intelligence to weed out potential threats). The second part of the film shows John Kerry, from Vietnam soldier to anti-war protester, who highlighted his Vietnam days in his DNC acceptance speech but ignored his 20 year Senate career (he often voted against intelligence and military funding). It also points out that Kerry wants to be reactive rather than pro-active; if another attack happens, Kerry says he'll respond to it while Bush wants pre-emptive action instead.
It covers the mindset of Islamo-fascist dictators like Saddam and our own efforts to democratize the Middle East, and interviews the likes of columnist Charles Krauthammer, conservative talk host Michael Medved (a colleague of Kerry's at Yale), and
Sen. Fred Thompson. Do not expect any yuks here; it's serious business, and it outlines the fork in the road that lies ahead in the upcoming election: pre-emptive action against the terrorists, or appeasement.
Celsius 41.11 wonders why President Bush is hated by many in this country, even though we seemed so "united" after 9/11. It goes back to the 2000 vote counting controversy, and points out that previous Administrations turned a blind eye to terrorism (and certainly didn't fund intelligence to weed out potential threats). The second part of the film shows John Kerry, from Vietnam soldier to anti-war protester, who highlighted his Vietnam days in his DNC acceptance speech but ignored his 20 year Senate career (he often voted against intelligence and military funding). It also points out that Kerry wants to be reactive rather than pro-active; if another attack happens, Kerry says he'll respond to it while Bush wants pre-emptive action instead.
It covers the mindset of Islamo-fascist dictators like Saddam and our own efforts to democratize the Middle East, and interviews the likes of columnist Charles Krauthammer, conservative talk host Michael Medved (a colleague of Kerry's at Yale), and
Sen. Fred Thompson. Do not expect any yuks here; it's serious business, and it outlines the fork in the road that lies ahead in the upcoming election: pre-emptive action against the terrorists, or appeasement.
- shrinkingman
- Oct 21, 2004
- Permalink
I mean come on, at least come up with your own title, although if people's brains really die when the temperature outside reaches 105 degrees, that could explain why the south contains so many red states.
Overall this movie is less entertaining than an afternoon of Fox News. No need to spend your hard earned money to watch Ann Coulter's Adam's apple bob up and down when she talks - you can watch it for free on TV! I bet there's a Fox News Alert on right now. Go check! Far more interesting than this movie, guaranteed.
If you really want some bang for your entertainment buck, check out Bill O'Reilly's audio book, "Those Who Trespass." Just to wet your whistle, here's an excerpt:
"Stripping off her bathing-suit, she walked into the huge shower. She pulled the lime green curtain across the entrance and then set the water for a tepid 75-degrees. The spray felt great against her skin as she ducked her head underneath the nozzle. Closing her eyes she concentrated on the tingling sensation of water flowing against her body. Suddenly another sensation entered, Ashley felt two large hands wrap themselves around her breasts and hot breathe on the back of her neck. She opened her eyes wide and giggled, "I thought you drowned out there snorkel man." Tommy O'Malley was naked and at attention. "Drowning is not an option", he said, "unless of course you beg me to perform unnatural acts - right here in this shower."
Woo hoo! I'm getting so excited just from reading that! Besides, you can get a copy on Amazon for $0.01. This coaster will cost ya 15 bucks. It might be your only chance to hear O'Reilly talk dirty unless you work for him.
To sum up:
This movie sucks.
Fox News sucks but it is a lot cheaper.
Ann Coulter has an Adam's apple and that is gross.
Bill O'Reilly is one smooth talker!
Overall this movie is less entertaining than an afternoon of Fox News. No need to spend your hard earned money to watch Ann Coulter's Adam's apple bob up and down when she talks - you can watch it for free on TV! I bet there's a Fox News Alert on right now. Go check! Far more interesting than this movie, guaranteed.
If you really want some bang for your entertainment buck, check out Bill O'Reilly's audio book, "Those Who Trespass." Just to wet your whistle, here's an excerpt:
"Stripping off her bathing-suit, she walked into the huge shower. She pulled the lime green curtain across the entrance and then set the water for a tepid 75-degrees. The spray felt great against her skin as she ducked her head underneath the nozzle. Closing her eyes she concentrated on the tingling sensation of water flowing against her body. Suddenly another sensation entered, Ashley felt two large hands wrap themselves around her breasts and hot breathe on the back of her neck. She opened her eyes wide and giggled, "I thought you drowned out there snorkel man." Tommy O'Malley was naked and at attention. "Drowning is not an option", he said, "unless of course you beg me to perform unnatural acts - right here in this shower."
Woo hoo! I'm getting so excited just from reading that! Besides, you can get a copy on Amazon for $0.01. This coaster will cost ya 15 bucks. It might be your only chance to hear O'Reilly talk dirty unless you work for him.
To sum up:
This movie sucks.
Fox News sucks but it is a lot cheaper.
Ann Coulter has an Adam's apple and that is gross.
Bill O'Reilly is one smooth talker!
- bigblackbiz
- Oct 27, 2005
- Permalink
I have seen this movie. I find it hard to believe that over 100 votes have been cast a week before the film opens. This movie is far more moving and truthful in its depiction of the threats of liberals like Moore and his minions. The images are powerful and frightening. Those that praise Moore for his courage to create F 911 believed in his rhetoric prior to his film release. Those that see this film will understand the truth around us after they see the film. The real enemy is found in the activist and the filmmaker who focuses on the negatives in their lives and direct it outward. This film will place the reality in front of you. You may feel guilty for not seeing the hate around you before.
- mikes_pants
- Oct 18, 2004
- Permalink
I actually watched this pseudo-documentary and will try to comment on it honestly. I gave it a seven because it asked and tried to answer a question that has been nagging me for few years. Why the hatred for Bush. I can see disagreeing with what he has done but the paranoiac hatred is strange phenomenon. The movie breaks no new ground but does attempt to respond to the movement to make Bush out to be a cross between an idiot and Adolf Hitler. If people rated this movie honestly I think it would come to be a five. I've read some of the comments above and am amazed how this can be ridiculed while Moore's 911 can be praised. This show defiantly learns right but nothing to the degree Fahrenheit leans left. With as many ones as tens I don't see how it has a "weighted average" of three something.
- nonconformist
- Apr 18, 2005
- Permalink
If you're willing (gullible enough?) to buy into the Democratic propaganda machine, then you owe it to yourself to view the Republican's propaganda machine.
This film looks at Kerry's record, as well as delves into Michael Moore's history and addresses some of the blatant inconsistencies in Fahrenheit 9/11. This film is certainly biased, however they bring up interesting counter-points to Fahrenheit 9/11's arguments.
I encourage you to watch both movies and use your intelligence to discern what is fact and what is fiction. I'll leave that up to the viewer to decide, unlike the reviewer before me.
This film looks at Kerry's record, as well as delves into Michael Moore's history and addresses some of the blatant inconsistencies in Fahrenheit 9/11. This film is certainly biased, however they bring up interesting counter-points to Fahrenheit 9/11's arguments.
I encourage you to watch both movies and use your intelligence to discern what is fact and what is fiction. I'll leave that up to the viewer to decide, unlike the reviewer before me.
- billywill31
- Oct 27, 2004
- Permalink
I have to say that this movie worked for me. If I could express my views about Bush's response to terrorism since 11SEP2001 in a movie, this movie would be it.
It can clearly be said that I went in with a pre-existing political attitude that would agree with the message of the movie. I don't have specific examples, but I certainly learned things I hadn't already known, and those things only reinforced my pre-existing political attitude.
As a movie, Celsius didn't have the humorous bits that Fahrenheit did (Wolfowitz combing his hair), but it was every bit as entertaining and capable of moving the audience. (Which I feel is a shortcoming of FahrenHYPE, it was good for being informative but not so good for being entertaining)
Personally, I find it interesting that Celsius seems as powerful as Fahrenheit, yet it achieves this affect with true facts rather than deceit.
I also wanted to distinguish Celsius and FahrenHYPE. While both would most likely never have been made without Fahrenheit, FahrenHYPE is a direct response to Fahreheit (I call it the anti-Michael Moore movie), whereas Celsius does very little to acknowledge Fahrenheit, it is built more as a pro-Bush movie.
The movie takes on a list of key points of the 'anti-Bush' movement, and refutes them one-by-one. That basically sets up the format of the movie. The movie provides bits from Bush and Kerry, the 9/11 Commission and Blair (and plenty more). Here's some of the synopsis that I think is relevant from the movie's web site:
http://www.celsius4111.com/4111/c4111_contents/about/ Quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Celsius 41.11 is not a point-by-point refutation of "Fahrenheit," but corrects the record on the important misleading themes in Moore's movie, including the 2000 Florida presidential vote, weapons of mass destruction, intelligence failures and the war on terror.
In addition, the film documents Democrat presidential nominee John Kerry's 20-year Senate record, from his flip-flopping on important issues to his intent on reducing funding for America's military and intelligence community, even after the first terrorist attack on American soil. The film also covers the first term of President Bush, his record as a leader in the war on terror, and the stark contrasts between the President and Senator Kerry. -------------------------------------------------------------------
I went to see it at the Star Southfield, one of two theaters currently showing the movie in Michigan (the other being in Flint). The turn-out was actually the same as when I went to see Fahrenheit 9/11, although that was a Saturday matinée, and Fahrenheit had broader distribution. It seems about what was to be expected, given that Celsius got a lot less publicity than Fahrenheit.
I also suspect the small audience was pretty much Bush supporters anyway. One guy had a Bush Cheney button on, and a couple of the other groups I saw leaving after the movie had Bush Cheney bumper stickers on their car.
It can clearly be said that I went in with a pre-existing political attitude that would agree with the message of the movie. I don't have specific examples, but I certainly learned things I hadn't already known, and those things only reinforced my pre-existing political attitude.
As a movie, Celsius didn't have the humorous bits that Fahrenheit did (Wolfowitz combing his hair), but it was every bit as entertaining and capable of moving the audience. (Which I feel is a shortcoming of FahrenHYPE, it was good for being informative but not so good for being entertaining)
Personally, I find it interesting that Celsius seems as powerful as Fahrenheit, yet it achieves this affect with true facts rather than deceit.
I also wanted to distinguish Celsius and FahrenHYPE. While both would most likely never have been made without Fahrenheit, FahrenHYPE is a direct response to Fahreheit (I call it the anti-Michael Moore movie), whereas Celsius does very little to acknowledge Fahrenheit, it is built more as a pro-Bush movie.
The movie takes on a list of key points of the 'anti-Bush' movement, and refutes them one-by-one. That basically sets up the format of the movie. The movie provides bits from Bush and Kerry, the 9/11 Commission and Blair (and plenty more). Here's some of the synopsis that I think is relevant from the movie's web site:
http://www.celsius4111.com/4111/c4111_contents/about/ Quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Celsius 41.11 is not a point-by-point refutation of "Fahrenheit," but corrects the record on the important misleading themes in Moore's movie, including the 2000 Florida presidential vote, weapons of mass destruction, intelligence failures and the war on terror.
In addition, the film documents Democrat presidential nominee John Kerry's 20-year Senate record, from his flip-flopping on important issues to his intent on reducing funding for America's military and intelligence community, even after the first terrorist attack on American soil. The film also covers the first term of President Bush, his record as a leader in the war on terror, and the stark contrasts between the President and Senator Kerry. -------------------------------------------------------------------
I went to see it at the Star Southfield, one of two theaters currently showing the movie in Michigan (the other being in Flint). The turn-out was actually the same as when I went to see Fahrenheit 9/11, although that was a Saturday matinée, and Fahrenheit had broader distribution. It seems about what was to be expected, given that Celsius got a lot less publicity than Fahrenheit.
I also suspect the small audience was pretty much Bush supporters anyway. One guy had a Bush Cheney button on, and a couple of the other groups I saw leaving after the movie had Bush Cheney bumper stickers on their car.
I don't understand all the controversy with this movie. It is just an explanation about the other side. Of all the people writing on this site....have any of you even seen this movie? And if you did, did you pay attention? I saw both. I watched both from a neutral standpoint and formed my own opinions. I am curious if anyone can answer this question, i am interested to know what the response will be. The question is "Why are you choosing to vote for Kerry?" Please don't respond with the blow of response that I hear most people give. The common response I hear is "i am voting for Kerry cause I don't like Bush" This is great and all, if Kerry does get elected, YEAH all you stupid Democrats got your wish and Bush is gone. That only takes care of day one. What about day two? What does Kerry stand for?
What is he going to do for this country? The idiot you guys want to put in the highest authority literally spit in the face of every soldier who fought in Vietnam, and on our entire country in the 70's. If you don't know what i am referring to then you are the problem with this country. We would rather kick out a man who is willing to eliminate any threat before it takes place(to keep us safe) attempt to make a stab at peace in the middle east, a man that is cleaning up 30 years of America turning there cheek, AND you people want to put a beast in office who in live broadcast literally said America was evil!!!! How can we trust a man that doesn't have faith in our country to properly run it. Maybe we should look at the facts. The fact is we have the best president right now. I will enjoy your responses.
What is he going to do for this country? The idiot you guys want to put in the highest authority literally spit in the face of every soldier who fought in Vietnam, and on our entire country in the 70's. If you don't know what i am referring to then you are the problem with this country. We would rather kick out a man who is willing to eliminate any threat before it takes place(to keep us safe) attempt to make a stab at peace in the middle east, a man that is cleaning up 30 years of America turning there cheek, AND you people want to put a beast in office who in live broadcast literally said America was evil!!!! How can we trust a man that doesn't have faith in our country to properly run it. Maybe we should look at the facts. The fact is we have the best president right now. I will enjoy your responses.
- yonannysass
- Oct 25, 2004
- Permalink
I went into this movie thinking O.K. I already agree with their view point, but knowing it was probably going to be propaganda just like Fahrenheit 9/11 was. I was surprised with the facts and evidence, of things that whiny fake Hollywood Liberals try to blame on President Bush. It was also about the media and distortion of facts, especially in the 2000 Presidential election, when they were so quick to name Al Gore as the 43rd President, when that wasn't factual. The part that got me was John Kerry's friend who claimed who Mr. Kerry didn't have the leadership to be Commander and Chief of this country. It was good and it should be shown to these flaky Hollywood actors and directors, as well as the media, who obviously show were their loyalties lie instead of presenting the news they present, their views. I watched interviews with Micheal Moore, and he even said that some of the soldiers knew it was him taping it, so there is bias right there, everyone knows he is a left wing nut, and anyone who agrees with him are going to give testimony of that nature. Back to were I was before I started rambling great movie, I hope it comes out on video so I can buy it.
- nypdblue44
- Nov 20, 2004
- Permalink
I prefer George W. Bush to Kerry as a man and politician by leaps and bounds. In terms of ideology, Bush and Kerry are not nearly so far apart from one another as I am from both of them, in that I am a Libertarian. Because of this, I feel that I can offer a fairly objective review of this film (though I do not care to invest too much time into this).
Fahrenheit 9/11 is a mediocre movie that was overpraised by the liberal left in this country. I'm sure we're all aware of its deceptions and of the sheer largeness of its creator, Michael Moore. It isn't the worst film ever created (as some conservatives might have us believe), and it will make its small mark in cinematic history (though overshadowed by this year's Passion of the Christ in terms of controversy, I believe). Celsius 41.11 is an almost equally mediocre film, and though perhaps a little bit less fun it is certainly more factual.
Celsius 41.11 is basically just a concise and intelligent rebuttal of liberal attacks on George W. Bush. It does a decent job explaining why the so-called "hatred" of our current president is fundamentally irrational. This is all fine and good, but it is shown to us in about as average a presentation imaginable. Moore does not have special talent in making movies, but he at least has <i>some</i> talent. Knoblock pieced together what seem to be, largely, collections of streamed footage from CNN.com or something. The ending montage was a bit over-the-top as well.
I give it a 6 or 7 out of 10.
Vote for Badnarik! Leave the old parties behind!
Fahrenheit 9/11 is a mediocre movie that was overpraised by the liberal left in this country. I'm sure we're all aware of its deceptions and of the sheer largeness of its creator, Michael Moore. It isn't the worst film ever created (as some conservatives might have us believe), and it will make its small mark in cinematic history (though overshadowed by this year's Passion of the Christ in terms of controversy, I believe). Celsius 41.11 is an almost equally mediocre film, and though perhaps a little bit less fun it is certainly more factual.
Celsius 41.11 is basically just a concise and intelligent rebuttal of liberal attacks on George W. Bush. It does a decent job explaining why the so-called "hatred" of our current president is fundamentally irrational. This is all fine and good, but it is shown to us in about as average a presentation imaginable. Moore does not have special talent in making movies, but he at least has <i>some</i> talent. Knoblock pieced together what seem to be, largely, collections of streamed footage from CNN.com or something. The ending montage was a bit over-the-top as well.
I give it a 6 or 7 out of 10.
Vote for Badnarik! Leave the old parties behind!
- omriwendigo
- Oct 21, 2004
- Permalink
"To describe it (Fahrenheit 9/11) as an exercise in facile crowd-pleasing would be too obvious." What makes "free-thinkers" so convinced that they can't trust anyone of political sway except Michael Moore? That this man should be somehow exempt from the nature of leftist skepticism is grossly hypocritical--how can we believe that everyone has a corrupt capitalistic or political agenda except him? Leftist skepticism itself brandishes a highly learned attitude toward social stance, yet sponging ideas from user friendly informational mediums such as Moore documentaries is by no means an unbiased source. Furthermore, liberalism by description is supposed to define a spirit of tolerance--not the brand of embittered tolerance so common today, which both demands that everyone share its stance while contradicting its own sensibility. Neutrality that demands that everyone else be neutral is not true neutrality.
- ke_albright
- Dec 22, 2004
- Permalink
Touchy/Feely Liberals hate it, check. Substantiates events with facts and not emotion, check. Narrator doesn't use magical telepathy (as in F 9/11) to tell me what others are thinking, check. Shunned due to content by Holy-weird check Producer not hell-bent on swaying an election, check.
I'm amazed at how radical liberals have become. All over the news we see liberals that have run out of thoughts resort to violence and non-sensical attacks. In this case, they'll band their teen-buddies together to trash a movie they've never seen.
Everyone owes it to themselves to see all sides. Watching Fahrenheit 9/11 without viewing a follow-up rebuttal is like thinking with only half a brain.
I'm amazed at how radical liberals have become. All over the news we see liberals that have run out of thoughts resort to violence and non-sensical attacks. In this case, they'll band their teen-buddies together to trash a movie they've never seen.
Everyone owes it to themselves to see all sides. Watching Fahrenheit 9/11 without viewing a follow-up rebuttal is like thinking with only half a brain.
A breath of fresh air! This movie was great because it was informative AND hilariously funny. I can't wait to see the next movie from this unit! This movie reveals another side to the claims made in Michael Moore's movie "Fahrenheit 9/11." It also examines John Kerry's 20 year voting record. Wow, all this PLUS it looks at the accomplishments of George Bush's first term. Does it get any better? Yes, it does! Because it turns out that all of this information is packed into the movie in a way that makes you laugh while arming you with information. Some of the funniest scenes to watch for are clips showing Michael Moore contradicting himself and scenes of Florida in 2000. I really am amazed that people didn't pick up on this conservative documentary idea sooner!
- jmjtymary333
- Oct 9, 2004
- Permalink
FINALLY THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!! The truth hurts...but it needs to be told. It is hilarious to me how some feel Michael Moore's version of events is the gospel and criticize Conservatives for not being able to keep an open mind- and then they bash this movie and call it propaganda. Get real! This is how most NORMAL Americans see reality- they can see the absurdity in the Liberal Leftist Press and they deal with it! So if you see this movie and disagree- don't be a whiny baby! Just be glad you live in a country (unlike pre-war Iraq) where both points of view can be expressed!!!
GOD BLESS America!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOD BLESS America!!!!!!!!!!!!
Delving into 9/11, the war with Iraq, the sadly missed opportunity to nab Bin Laden, the 2001 elections, and the Patriot Act (not in that order), this documentary does bring up some good valid points, but at just around an hour or so it doesn't go into extreme detail on any of them. Nothing new can be gleamed from the film by anyone who follows politics. However it was competently made, if dry. Celsius 41.11 wasn't extremely slanted (for the most part, as the last 5 minutes or so plays out like a campaign ad, complete with smiling children & happy Americans basking in the sunshine of another 'terrorist free' day thanks to President Bush). If that propaganda ending was left out, and the film merely stuck to absolute facts, it would've made the whole production better.
My Grade: C+
My Grade: C+
- movieman_kev
- Mar 28, 2007
- Permalink
I find it interesting to read people spewing hate at liberals while talking about how liberals spew hate. September 11 should have been about togetherness and peace. Everyone in the world considered themselves Americans that day and felt our pain. Instead it has been distorted into something else. The United States has not been more divided or less respected in the world in my lifetime. People on the left and the right are at each other's throats. I do consider myself liberal, and I enjoyed this movie as a response to Fahrenheit 911. It is important for me to see what conservatives think. I do not feel degrading anyone's point of view is pertanent to this argument.
- guigsy_2137
- Oct 24, 2004
- Permalink
"Celsius 41.11" succeeded as documentary where Michael Moore's film "F. 9-11" had failed.
The work sought opinions, sources, and archive footage to demonstrate conclusively that Bush did not steal the election in Florida, that he did not know about the plan to attack the World Trade Center before it actually occurred, nor did he defraud the United States into entering an unnecessary conflict against Iraq.
This film had the advantage of being able to respond to "F. 9-11", refuting the baseless charge that blacks were excluded from the voting rolls in Florida. According to "C. 41.11", for example, five major newspapers could find no evidence of voter irregularities.
Moreover, the film presented its information in an orderly manner. Early in the film the narrator challenges six common accusations against President Bush, 9-11, the 2000 Presidential Election, and the second Iraqi war. I really enjoyed this film because it entertained and educated the audience, while Michael Moore's documentary "F. 9-11" merely distracted its viewers with entertaining contradictions.
"C 41.11" has another edge over films because of its well-reasoned, coherent, and diverse arguments from people like Charles Krauthammer, Fred Thompson, and Michael Medved, all of whom trump the flashy rhetoric of Michael Moore.
On another note, one critic lamented the pro-Zionist lean of somethe interviewees (Krauthammer, Medved). In my opinion, that short-sighted reaction demonstrates all the more the need to appreciate subtle and ignored issues in U.S. foreign policy , like the critical role Israel plays in promoting democracy in the Middle East, instead of diminishing the impact of this documentary as a petty advocate of one minority group.
For those who did not have a chance to hear the other side, "C. 41.11" provides an excellent opportunity .
The work sought opinions, sources, and archive footage to demonstrate conclusively that Bush did not steal the election in Florida, that he did not know about the plan to attack the World Trade Center before it actually occurred, nor did he defraud the United States into entering an unnecessary conflict against Iraq.
This film had the advantage of being able to respond to "F. 9-11", refuting the baseless charge that blacks were excluded from the voting rolls in Florida. According to "C. 41.11", for example, five major newspapers could find no evidence of voter irregularities.
Moreover, the film presented its information in an orderly manner. Early in the film the narrator challenges six common accusations against President Bush, 9-11, the 2000 Presidential Election, and the second Iraqi war. I really enjoyed this film because it entertained and educated the audience, while Michael Moore's documentary "F. 9-11" merely distracted its viewers with entertaining contradictions.
"C 41.11" has another edge over films because of its well-reasoned, coherent, and diverse arguments from people like Charles Krauthammer, Fred Thompson, and Michael Medved, all of whom trump the flashy rhetoric of Michael Moore.
On another note, one critic lamented the pro-Zionist lean of somethe interviewees (Krauthammer, Medved). In my opinion, that short-sighted reaction demonstrates all the more the need to appreciate subtle and ignored issues in U.S. foreign policy , like the critical role Israel plays in promoting democracy in the Middle East, instead of diminishing the impact of this documentary as a petty advocate of one minority group.
For those who did not have a chance to hear the other side, "C. 41.11" provides an excellent opportunity .