Ed Harris credited as playing...
Ludwig van Beethoven
- Ludwig van Beethoven: The vibrations on the air are the breath of God speaking to man's soul. Music is the language of God. We musicians are as close to God as man can be. We hear his voice, we read his lips, we give birth to the children of God, who sing his praise. That's what musicians are.
- Ludwig van Beethoven: [conclusion--Beethoven is describing his "Song of Thanks to the Deity"] No key. It's common time, molto adagio, sotto voce. First violin, quarter notes. Middle C up to A. Measure. G up to C, tied, F. Second violin, bar two. Middle C up to A. Double note E, G, C. Viola clef, 2B pressed. It's a hymn of thanksgiving to God, for sparing me to finish my work. After the pianissimo, the canon resumes. First violin takes the theme. Viola, C to A. It's growing, gaining strength. Second violin, C to A, an octave higher. Then the struggle. First violin, C, up an octave, and then up to G. And the cello, down. Pulled down. Half notes, F, E, D. Pulled constantly down. And then, a voice, a single frail voice emerges, soaring above the sound. The striving continues, moving below the surface. Crescendo. First violin longing, pleading to God. And then, God answers. The clouds open. Loving hands reach down. We're raised up into heaven. Cello remains earthbound, but the other voices soar suspended, for an instant in which you can live forever. Earth does not exist. Time is timeless. And the hands that lifted you caress your face, mold them to the face of God. And you are at one. You are at peace. You're finally free.
- Ludwig van Beethoven: I'm a very difficult person, Anna Holtz, but I take comfort in the fact that God made me that way.
- Ludwig van Beethoven: Anna Holtz.
- Anna Holtz: Yes?
- Ludwig van Beethoven: You look like a woman.
- Anna Holtz: Thank you.
- Ludwig van Beethoven: [after a brief pause] But can you conduct?
- Ludwig van Beethoven: Schlemmer. I've arranged for Krenski to send him some pickled carp.
- Ludwig van Beethoven: That will put him back in the pink.
- Karl van Beethoven: He's got cancer.
- Ludwig van Beethoven: And now this woman is sent to me at this very moment. What if she was sent by HIM?
- Rudy: Women are usually sent by the other one.
- Ludwig van Beethoven: Well, suppose it's a sign?
- Rudy: A sign for what, Louis?
- Ludwig van Beethoven: That it's time.
- Rudy: A time for what?
- Ludwig van Beethoven: A time for me to join with HIM.
- Rudy: Well, if it's true and she was sent by HIM, and she's waiting in your apartment, you shouldn't be sitting here drinking, should you?
- Ludwig van Beethoven: How old are you, my dear?
- Anna Holtz: Twenty-three.
- Ludwig van Beethoven: Twenty-three years old. I can just imagine you at the Creation, with your two decades of experience, saying to the Almighty, I think you've done a brilliant job with the world. I especially like South America. Beautiful shape. That wonderful bulge and the slender taper. The Straits of Magellan, lovely little touch. Africa, on the other hand, but wide for my taste. And Asia is entirely out of proportion. I'm afraid HeeGodhead, you'll have to do it all over.
- Ludwig van Beethoven: [sarcastically] I cannot tell you how much it means to me to know that you approve of my work.
- Anna Holtz: There are rats in your room. Big rats.
- Ludwig van Beethoven: Yes. They keep away the cats. I hate cats.
- Anna Holtz: Why?
- Ludwig van Beethoven: They don't make any noise.
- Anna Holtz: [reading his latest score] I think it's ugly.
- Ludwig van Beethoven: Ugly, you think it's ugly. Of course it's ugly. But is it beautiful?
- Anna Holtz: I don't understand.
- Ludwig van Beethoven: She doesn't understand. It's meant to challenge your sense of beauty...