A wacky animated series about two unlikely pals -- a big, blue, lovable one-eyed monster, Mo," and his reluctant protector, a tiny mouse named Chesbro. Ches and Mo are constantly on the run ... Read allA wacky animated series about two unlikely pals -- a big, blue, lovable one-eyed monster, Mo," and his reluctant protector, a tiny mouse named Chesbro. Ches and Mo are constantly on the run from Dr. Wackersteen, the crazy scientist who created Mo and now wants to put the brain of... Read allA wacky animated series about two unlikely pals -- a big, blue, lovable one-eyed monster, Mo," and his reluctant protector, a tiny mouse named Chesbro. Ches and Mo are constantly on the run from Dr. Wackersteen, the crazy scientist who created Mo and now wants to put the brain of a dead pianist in Mo's head! The series follows the adventures of the two best friends as... Read all