In the beginning when Samantha introduces Claire Beckman for the first time she stated that Claire wrote 32 novels in 22 years. At the end when Samantha is with Beth concluding the killing, she states that 31 novels are written in 22 years.
When Samantha is in Dorothy's house photographing the scrapbook, the story about the killing of Lilly's mother contains a ton of errors. They show only the first few lines, but in the story it says the McClean family was going to move to Nova Scotia. That's two errors right there. First of all, it was the Mcizik family that was going to move and second, they were moving to London. They already lived in Nova Scotia. Another error was that the article called Lilly "Beth McIzik." Beth was her alias not her real name.
The green sign at the bookstore entrance incorrectly has a space between the "F" and "riday".
The exterior of the jail/police station/morgue clearly has the words "CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST" on the facade. Part of it is covered up by the tree. In full it reads "Second Church of Christ, Scientist, which is a famous church in Los Angeles. They never removed this tell-tale sign in post-production.
When Samantha is in morgue and lifts sheet to uncover Claire's body to look for tattoo on her arm, you can see Claire's left eye-lid twitch.
On the Mystery Woman Weekend poster, which is on the door to the Mystery Woman Bookshop, there is a grammar error. It's states writers will reveal "there" secrets when it should be "their" secrets.
The first time Samantha visits the hotel suite, Grants just sits on the couch when he hears the knock, but then just a couple of minutes later when there is another knock on the door he jumps up saying "I've been waiting for you". Since he couldn't know who was at the door for either knock, he should have jumped up the first time.