1 review
IMDb's required 10-line minimum means I'll be writing for longer than it'll take you to watch this goofy little film, but rules are rules. (I wish you'd change this one, IMDb.) "Al Roach" is a triumph of 'toon noir, a black-and-white tribute to every Philip Marlowe story you've ever watched or read. It even opens with the Warner Bros. logo, making me think for a while that it was decades older than it is. Verbal and visual puns abound at a pace that would give the Simpsons a run for their money, and the adult situations -- watch the antennae -- will tickle you without damaging the delicate sensibilities of any little ones who may also be watching. It's not original, but it's very worthwhile, delivering silliness of a high order. Credit Turner Classic for keeping up with the times and screening this pestilential homage between its feature movies.