Bijou Phillips credited as playing...
- Ricky: [Grabs Tammy's bra strap] So tell me, is this synthetic leather?
- Tammy: We got it at Lacey's in Baton Rouge.
- Patty: No, *you* go it at Lacey's. I was in Barnes & Noble flipping through Janes. Do not make me a part of your felony.
- Ricky: You stole it?
- Tammy: Well, I wasn't gonna buy it! It was too ugly! And I felt bad taking a nice one. I *have* a conscience.
- Patty: You're still a crook.
- Tammy: [Pulls her shirt down] Yeah, a crook with a nice rack.
- [to Ricky]
- Tammy: Don't you think?
- Ricky: [Looks at Ray in his truck, watching them] You may not wanna pull those out too often.