This is just another poorly made zombie movie ripping off the great George A.Romero. And even though the ripping off is bad enough this movie offers nothing original or even very interesting along the way.
While working in a remote logging camp some workers become zombies after being exposed to some sort of experimental tree growth hormone that the logging company is testing.Yeah I know.This may be the silliest reason any zombie movie has ever used to explain why people are turning into zombies.
The writing is about par for a lousy horror movie,some of the actors are decent and some are just awful.The plot is just stupid.This zombie outbreak is very local yet the people in this movie decide to hold up in a rundown shack and later in a fenced compound rather than just hike out of the woods.The special effects are lackluster and unimaginative.Most of the zombie killing is done off screen with blood spraying all over the people doing the zombie slaying.I guess it's easier to spray fake looking blood in someone's face than to fool with showing all the zombie heads being bashed in.Most of the gore in this movie consists of a few bland shots of zombies eating what look to be hunks of Jello off of torsos.People run around and fall in the mud a lot in this movie--I guess the director thought muddy clothes counted as a special effect.
Needless to say this movie is not one to add to your horror collection.It is just another boring and weak horror movie in a long line of such movies.