- Chris Rock: If our next presenter isn't dazzling us with his acting abilities, he's boring us to death with his politics. Please welcome Tim Robbins.
- Chris Rock: That's two for "The Aviator". If Howard Hughes were here right now he wouldn't shake hands with anybody.
- Cate Blanchett - Winner: Best Actress in a Supporting Role & Presenter: Best Makeup: Thank you very much. Thank you to the Academy who know Katharine Hepburn so well and is so intimately acquainted with her work. This is an indescribable surprise and honor. Thank you. I know you think it's cheesy, sweetheart, but I have to thank you, my husband. And Hylda Queally and Robyn Gardiner, my uber-agents. And the wonderful Lisa Kasteler. Everyone involved in "The Aviator." When you play someone as terrifyingly well-known as Katharine Hepburn, it's a collaborative effort; you need as much help as you can get. And thank you, of course, to Miss Hepburn. The longevity of her career, I think, is inspiring to everyone. But most importantly, and on behalf of everyone I know in The Aviator, thank you to Martin Scorsese. I hope my son will marry your daughter. Thank you.
- Dante Ferretti - Winner: Best Art Direction: Good evening. Thank you for this great honor tonight to be here. Thank you to the Academy. I would like to say thank you, first of all, to Martin Scorsese. Great, great, great director which we love very, very much. And I want to say thank you to all the producers: To Graham King, Michael Mann, to Harvey Weinstein. And all the entire art department, which, without them, it was impossible for me to do this for us. Thank you.
- Francesca Lo Schiavo - Winner: Best Art Direction: Just I'd like to say, this Oscar is for Melissa, Eduardo and Giorgio.
- Morgan Freeman - Winner: Best Actor in a Supporting Role: I want to thank everybody and anybody who ever had anything at all to do with the making of this picture, but I especially want to thank Clint Eastwood for giving me the opportunity to work with him again and to work with Hilary Swank. This was a labor of love. And I thank the Academy. I thank you so very much.
- Brad Bird - Winner: Best Animated Feature: Thank you so much. I don't know what's more frightening, being watched by millions of people, or the hundreds of people that are going to be annoyed with me tomorrow for not mentioning them tonight. But I just want to thank the holy trinity of Pixar - my good friend John Lasseter, Ed Catmull, Steve Jobs - for making the greatest studio on the face of the earth. And I want to thank my producer John Walker, and Dick Cook, and the great Disney marketing team. You know, animation is about creating the illusion of life, and you can't create it if you don't have one. So, I want to thank my wonderful crew for the creation, and I want to thank my mom, my dad, my wife Liz, and my kids Jack, Michael and Nick for giving me my life. I love you. And thank you.
- Valli O'Reilly - Winner: Best Makeup: This is an extremely fortunate event. I'd like to thank the Academy for making my parents so proud. Colleen Atwood, for being such a good friend and always hiring me and inspiring me. Brad Silberling, Mitch, Kathleen, Medusah and Tonyia for working so hard. And I'd like to formally apologize to all the actors for making them look so unfortunate; but it was worth it, wasn't it? Thank you.
- Bill Corso - Winner: Best Makeup: Mr. Lemony Snicket, please don't write any more of these books; they're corrupting our youth. Brad Silberling, I'm sorry you did such a good job on this movie. DreamWorks, Paramount, Nickelodeon. Brad Silberling, why did you have to do such a good job? And Jim Carrey, if you weren't so good, I wouldn't be standing up here, and I thank you for that. I share this with you. Morgan, Valli, everybody, thank you.
- Sandy Powell - Winner: Best Costume Design: There are so many people to thank, but, most importantly, I'd like to thank my colleagues and partners in crime: Debbie Scott, Annie Hadley, John Cowell, Lisa Padovani and David Davenport. Also, a big, big thank you to Marty for being the inspiration for us all. Thank you.
- Ross Kauffman - Winner: Best Documentary Feature: Tom Hanks was right; this thing is heavy.
- Zana Briski - Winner: Best Documentary Feature: A little gold man, just what we always wanted. We thank you so much. This is an incredible, incredible honor. We thank the kids; they're watching in Calcutta. We thank you so much. We love you very much.
- Ross Kauffman - Winner: Best Documentary Feature: We'd like to thank HBO, the best place on the planet for documentaries. THINKFilm, doing an incredible job with this film. The Sundance Institute. Diane Weyermann, we love you.
- Zana Briski - Winner: Best Documentary Feature: Geralyn White Dreyfous, our executive producer, and Pamela Boll, our co-executive producer, thank you so much.
- Ross Kauffman - Winner: Best Documentary Feature: And I'd like to thank Zana Briski, this amazing woman right next to me. She's incredible.
- Thelma Schoonmaker - Winner: Best Film Editing: Thank you so much. This is really as much yours as it is mine, Marty, not only because you helped me edit the movie, but because you think like an editor when you shoot. And you gave us an incredibly dazzling ride on this film and gave us a fantastic group of actors. I truly loved editing your footage and theirs. There are so many people to thank. I won't thank them, but I think they know who they are: the mixers, the wonderful visual effects people. But particularly my assistants Scott Brock, Tom Foligno and Erin Crackel; they really got it up there on the screen. But it's really you, Marty. It's you. Thank you.
- Alexander Payne - Winner: Best Adapted Screenplay: Hi, good evening. We thank the Academy. We salute our fellow nominees. And we thank Rex Pickett, on whose novel the screenplay was based. And our wonderful producer Michael London. Jim...
- Jim Taylor - Winner: Best Adapted Screenplay: We've been lucky enough to be writing partners for fifteen years. Since the beginning we've had a great pair of agents: David Lubliner...
- Alexander Payne - Winner: Best Adapted Screenplay: ...and David Lonner.
- Jim Taylor - Winner: Best Adapted Screenplay: And more recently, a great pair of wives: The stunning and talented Tamara Jenkins...
- Alexander Payne - Winner: Best Adapted Screenplay: ...equally stunning and talented, Sandra Oh.
- Jim Taylor - Winner: Best Adapted Screenplay: My mother taught me to write, and she died before she could see any of this. So this is for you, Mom.
- Alexander Payne - Winner: Best Adapted Screenplay: Also, real quick. We love Fox Searchlight for letting us make a film with complete creative freedom. And last but not least - very quickly, I know, I'm going to wrap up - I want to share my side of this award with the cast and crew of the film because we had a lot of fun. See ya later.
- John Dykstra - Winner: Best Visual Effects: I love my job. What an honor to be singled out in a year with so much terrific work. Boy am I glad there wasn't a fourth episode of Lord of the Rings. What a joy to work and share this award with so many talented people: our director Sam Raimi, Scott, Anthony, John, all of the artists, technicians and producers that collaborated on the effects for this picture. We'd like to thank our families. Hi, Cass, Chloe, Mom. We'd like to thank Sony Pictures for all your support. Thank you, Academy. Thank you, everyone!
- Andrea Arnold - Winner: Best Live Action Short: This is truly overwhelming. I'm not really used to this kind of thing. I'd like to thank everyone who worked on the film. Everyone worked extremely hard. They know who they are, and the beers are on me when we get home. And what can I say? In English we'd say, I'd say that this is the dog's bollocks. Thank you very much.
- Chris Landreth - Winner: Best Animated Short: I am here tonight because of the grace and humility of one guy watching from Montreal. Ryan Larkin, I dedicate this award to you. And I'm sharing this award with Steve Hoban from Copper Heart Entertainment. Steve, you and Mark Smith were with me on this from the very beginning. You guys are troupers. And to Marcy Page from the National Film Board of Canada. You guys are visionaries in Canadian filmmaking. To the Canada Council for the Arts and Seneca College. Dave Baas and my crew. You guys know who you are. You are the most inspired and dedicated people I have ever worked with. And to my darling Jody, I love you so much. And finally to the Academy for continuing to support short filmmaking in all its forms. I cannot tell you how cool that is.
- Scott Millan - Winner: Best Sound Mixing: Wow. It's impossible to express how lucky we were to work on a film about the gentleman Ray Charles. The storytelling allowed us to use sound and we were very lucky that Taylor Hackford, our director, gave us that freedom. And we have to thank Stuart Benjamin, our producer. We have to thank everybody at Bristol Bay. We have to thank Bill Brown, and Lisa Dennis, and Paul Hirsch, our picture editor. And sound editorial, Karen Baker Landers and Per Hallberg. We have to thank Curt Sobel, our music editor. And, please, we'd like to thank our support staff, Fred Peck and...
- Steve Cantamessa - Winner: Best Sound Mixing: I'd like to thank my crew: Gary Thomas and Scott LaRue and Aaron Zeller. Thank you.
- Randy Thom - Winner: Best Sound Editing: Thank you so much. Certain Academy Awards, like Sound and Visual Effects and Editing, are sometimes referred to as technical awards. They are not technical awards; they're given for artistic decisions. Sometimes we make them better than others, and I guess we made a couple of good ones on this one. Thank you so much, Brad Bird and Skywalker Sound. Lisa and Austin, this is for you.
- Michael Silvers - Winner: Best Sound Editing: I'd like to share this with my superheroes, the sound editing crew. And Lois, Rebecca, Emma and Bonnie, I love you. Thank you, everybody.
- Robert Hudson - Winner: Best Documentary Short: We did it. I don't know about many of you, but I've been sitting in a bathtub since I was eight years old practicing this Oscar speech. And it never quite stayed the same. First off, I want to thank the Academy of Motion Pictures for this award we both got. Bob and I live together and we work together. If you're watching this on TV, don't try that at home. He directs, I produce. I want to first start off by thanking HBO, for their knowledge of documentaries for fifteen, twenty years has really brought it to the forefront now. I want to thank Chris Albrecht, Dolores Morris, Sheila Nevins. And together with this last film, we had a new partner to work with HBO with: Southern Poverty Law Center.
- Jan A.P. Kaczmarek - Winner: Best Original Score: I cannot tell you how happy I am, and thank you, Academy. "Finding Neverland" was a great adventure and I'm so proud to be part of it. Marc Forster, he should be here. Marc, thank you for your subtle mind, for your incredible talent. Also Richard is here, Richard Gladstein, a man who truly understands the power of music. I'm very thankful for this as well. And then my wife Elzbieta, who always surprises me with her intellectual passion and incredible taste. She's responsible for many good notes I've written. And to my friend and agent Anita Greenspan, thank you so much. Who is left? Many people. But I'm too overwhelmed to really go on. I should certainly take opportunity to, as the first person in the room, to thank Harvey Weinstein for his support. And very thankful as well for supporting "Finding Neverland" and my case. Musicians
- [are]
- Jan A.P. Kaczmarek - Winner: Best Original Score: usually forgotten, but
- [they are]
- Jan A.P. Kaczmarek - Winner: Best Original Score: extraordinary people who made music alive, and without them the best music just doesn't exist. So, thank you very much. My collaborators in Poland and here in America - Krzysztof, Rafal, Leszek - thank you so much. I'm very, very honored.
- Jorge Drexler - Winner: Best Original Song: Nail my paddle in the water I carry your oar in mine I think I have seen a light across the river the day you will able gradually to cold I think I've seen a light across the river... Ciao. Thank you. Thank you. Ciao.
- Hilary Swank - Winner: Best Actress in a Leading Role: I don't know what I did in this life to deserve all this. I'm just a girl from a trailer park who had a dream. I never thought this would ever happen, let alone be nominated. And a working actor, for that matter. And now, this. I thank the Academy. I am eternally grateful for this great honor. I would also like to acknowledge my fellow nominees. Annette, Imelda, Kate and Catalina, your work inspires me beyond words. I am going to start by thanking my husband because I'd like to think I learn from past mistakes. Chad, you're my everything. Thank you for your support. It means the world. I would never be standing here if it weren't for each and every one of the brilliant people I had surrounding me, supporting me and believing in me. Tom Rosenberg, Gary Lucchesi, thank you for sending me this most marvelous script. You will never know how grateful I am. Paul Haggis, for writing this beautiful script. Our other producers extraordinaire: Al Ruddy, Clint, Rob Lorenz. Phyllis Huffman, our casting director. My trainers, Grant Roberts and Héctor Roca, you pushed me further than I ever thought I could push myself, up to that last pound, actually to that last ounce. I thank you. My sparring partners who were so patient. And everyone at Gleason's. Well, the ever-amazing Morgan Freeman. Tom Stern, our cinematographer, you are brilliant. Joel Cox, our editor, you're amazing. You know? I'm going to thank my mom for believing in me from the beginning; my dad for his support. My agents: Josh Lieberman, Tony Lipp, Kelly Tiffan, John Campisi. Jason Weinberg, my manager. Uh uh, you can't do that, because I haven't gotten to Clint yet. I saved him for the end. Karl Austen, Jeff Bernstein, my lawyers. And then... Clint. Clint Eastwood, thank you for allowing me to go on this journey with you. Thank you for believing in me. You're my Mo Cuishle. Thank you. Alan Horn and Warner Bros., as well, thank you. And you know what? Wait! Troy Nankin! Troy Nankin, my best friend and publicist! Thank you!
- Alejandro Amenábar - Winner: Best Foreign Language Film: Thank you so much. This film is based on a man who, despite his desire for death, spread so much life around him. So, the first third part of this award belongs to him, wherever he is. The second third part is for Javier Bardem for his outstanding performance and his generosity. And another third part goes to, of course, my friend and producer, Fernando Bovaira, to the fabulous cast and crew for being so focused on this movie since the very beginning. And as for me, I'm just so pleased because it seems that I'm in charge of keeping it in one piece for the rest of my life. So, thank you so much.
- Charlie Kaufman - Winner: Best Original Screenplay: Thanks to the Academy... 29 seconds... 27 seconds. That's really intimidating. I'll try to look somewhere else. There's so many people worked so creatively on this movie and so I feel like this award is for all of them. And most especially I want to thank Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey, and director Michel Gondry, and producers Anthony Bregman and Steve Golin. And I'm supposed to wrap up now. No, I don't want to take my time; I want to get off the stage. So, thank you. Hi to my daughter Anna.
- Jamie Foxx - Winner: Best Actor in a Leading Role & Nominee: Best Supporting Actor: Wow. I guess we got to do it again "Oooh!" "Aaah!" Yeah, you're ready. That's the Ray Charles. Give it up for Ray Charles and his beautiful legacy. And thank you, Ray Charles, for living. I got so many people to thank tonight. And first I'm going to start it out with Taylor Hackford. Taylor, you took a chance, man. I mean that love for Ray Charles was deep down in the earth somewhere and you opened it up. And it's cracked open and it's spilling, and everybody's drowning in this love. I thank you for taking a chance on this film. And thank you for waiting fifteen years to get me to do it. I want to thank you; I want to thank Crusader. I want to thank my agents. I want to thank Rick Kurtzman. I want to thank Kim Hodgert. I want to thank Steve Smooke. I want to thank my managers Jaime King and Marcus King. Let's live this African-American dream. It's beautiful. I'm glad I'm with you and I ain't never leaving you. So I love you. I got a chance to meet a whole lot of people, experiencing this. And other people I want to thank, I want to thank my sister; four foot eleven of nothing but pure love. I want to thank my daughter for telling me just before I got up here, "If you don't win, Dad, you're still good." I see Oprah and I see Halle and I just want to say your names. I want to talk to you later. Both of you. Because Oprah allowed me to meet somebody by the name of Sidney Poitier. And Sidney Poitier said I saw you once. And I looked in your eyes and there was a connection." And he says, "I give to you responsibility." So I'm taking that responsibility tonight. And thank you, Sidney. This is probably going to be the toughest part of this speech. My daughter shares my grandmother's name: Marie. My grandmother's name is Estelle Marie Talley. And she's not here tonight. And this is going to be the toughest part. But she was my first acting teacher. She told me, "Stand up straight. Put your shoulders back. Act like you got some sense." We would go places and I would wild out, and she says, "Act like you've been somewhere." And then when I would act the fool, she would beat me. She would whup me. And she could get an Oscar for the way she whupped me because she was great at it. And after she whipped me, she would talk to me and tell me why she whipped me, said, "I want you to be a southern gentleman." And she still talks to me now; only now she talks to me in my dreams. And I can't wait to go to sleep tonight because we got a lot to talk about. I love you.
- Clint Eastwood - Winner: Best Picture, Best Director & Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role: Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. I'd like to thank my wife, who is my best pal, down here. And my mother, who was here with me in 1993. She was only eighty-four then. But she's here with me again tonight. So, at ninety-six, I'm thanking her for her genes. It was a wonderful adventure. To make a picture in thirty-seven days it takes a well-oiled machine. And that well-oiled machine is a crew - the cast, of course, you've met a lot of them, but there's still Margo and Anthony and Michael and Mike and Jay and everybody else who was so fabulous in this cast. And the crew: Campanelli and Billy Coe and, of course, Tom Stern, who is fantastic. And Henry Bumstead, the great Henry Bumstead, who is the head of our crack geriatrics team. And Henry and Jack Taylor and Dick Goddard, all those guys. And Walt and everybody. I can't think of everybody now; I'm beginning to get a blank - but, Warren
- [Beatty]
- Clint Eastwood - Winner: Best Picture, Best Director & Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role: , you were right. And thank you for your confidence earlier in the evening. I'm just lucky to be here. Lucky to be still working. And I watched Sidney Lumet out there, who is eighty, and I figure, I'm just a kid. I've got a lot of stuff to do yet. So thank you all very much. Appreciate it.
- Clint Eastwood - Winner: Best Picture, Best Director & Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role: Albert S. Ruddy was the one who gave us this script. And I came here in 1972, was it? It was '72, to give him the Oscar for "The Godfather". So, I'm glad to be back with him tonight.
- Albert S. Ruddy - Winner: Best Picture: Actually, this is the third award ceremony we've gotten to in this category, and tonight we won. And I would tell you every time I started going to this thing, I'd say, "I'm going to enjoy myself whether I win or lose." But believe me, as Arnold said, it's better to win! I love it. Thank you, everybody. Now, this is a great honor that celebrates the talent of Hilary Swank, Morgan Freeman and the genius of Clint Eastwood. Now, one other quick - I want to thank Anjelica Huston, who introduced me to F.X. Toole, and Paul Haggis for writing a brilliant screenplay. The only thing left for me to do in my life now is thank my wife, who believed when I was worried; my two great children. I'm going to sit down and get a piece of lemon pie with the real filling, I'm going to look at this, and then I'm going to die and go to heaven. Thank you.
- Tom Rosenberg - Winner: Best Picture: I want to thank Warner Bros., Alan Horn, Steve Spira...
- Clint Eastwood - Winner: Best Picture, Best Director & Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role: Keep talking. Don't let them drown you out.
- Tom Rosenberg - Winner: Best Picture: And I especially want to thank my partners, Gary Lucchesi and Terry McKay, and everybody at Lakeshore. And of course, the fantastic and fabulous Clint Eastwood. And my other partner, Elizabeth Alkon.
- Clint Eastwood - Winner: Best Picture, Best Director & Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role: And everybody at the Mission Ranch in Monterey County who is watching the show.