After watching Kitty Dean in the opening scene, Capote returns to his room to write some notes on a yellow pad. He first writes the date (11/16/1959), then the title "Answered Prayers". In the next scene, he throws the pad down on his bed, with a doodle of a man's face under the title. The date has disappeared.
When both prisoners are brought in to be hanged, it is raining hard. Even though the distance traveled in the rain is short, there are no visible signs of the rain on their clothes or face.
Capote and Harper Lee are together and Capote is drinking from a Martini glass that is almost empty but is almost full when he puts it down. Although he previously motioned for a waiter, none had come.
After watching Gwyneth Paltrow in the opening scene, Capote returns to his room to write some notes on a yellow pad. He first writes the date (11/16/1959), then the title "Answered Prayers". In the next scene, he throws the pad down on his bed, with a doodle of a man's face under the title. The date has disappeared.
After watching Kitty Dean (Gwyneth Paltrow) in the opening scene, Capote returns to his room to write some notes on a yellow pad. He first writes the date (11/16/1959), then the title "Answered Prayers". In the next scene, he throws the pad down on his bed, with a doodle of a man's face under the title. The date has disappeared.
The two guards at the execution are wearing hats that display the insignia not of corrections officials, but of U.S. Army officers.
Perry is depicted as being substantially taller than Truman when in reality they were roughly the same height. This may have been done purposely to give Perry a more intimidating presence next to the frailness of Capote.
When Capote first visits Hickok and Smith, Lowell Lee Andrews ("Andy") is seen occupying the cell next to Hickok. The movie is clear at several points that Capote's conversations with Smith and Hickok took place in the county jail at Garden City, Kansas before and during the murder trial. Hickok and Smith only became acquainted with "Andy" while all three were on death row at the Kansas State Penetentiary in Lansing. The three men were never incarcerated together in the county lockup, as "Andy" committed his murders hundreds of miles away from Holcomb in the town of Wollcott.
The movie presents that Perry killed the male victims and Dick killed the female victims. It was established that Perry did all the killings.
In Chapter One TC says no passenger trains stop at Holcomb - only an occasional freight. Yet Truman and Harper Lee arrive at (and she departs from) Holcomb by train.
Lee is shown smoking "Pall Mall" cigarettes which are non filtered, they are actually filtered cigarettes.
One slight goof regarding Peggy Lee ("Kitty Dean") is that Lee always used the type of makeup that made her face shine like she was covered in grease.
Early in the movie Harper Lee and Capote order drinks in a Holcomb, Kansas restaurant. At the time of the movie's action, Kansas was dry as a bone. You couldn't buy a drink in a Kansas restaurant until state liquor laws began to change in the mid '80s.
Vacuum-formed yellow "Dollar General" sign visible as Perry and Dicky are being brought in by the police. The Dollar General name was not used until 1968.
Perry's letter to Capote acknowledging receipt of the pornography closes with Perry's signature and address, which includes the ZIP code for the penitentiary. The ZIP code was not officially introduced until July 1963 and not widely used until some time after that date.
There is a three-pronged electrical outlet in Perry's cell.
In a scene where Harper Lee and Capote are eating in Kansas, there is a menu with prices in the background. It includes a hamburger for $ 2.25. That is well above, more than double, the price of a hamburger meal in Kansas at the end of the fifties.