Kirby's Adventure is a great side-scroller that expands on Kirby's Dream Land, taking what made the Game Boy title great while adding some new features.
So, the story is Kirby woke up from a nap, but has not dreamed. Heading to the Fountain of Dreams, he saw the Star Rod, which powered the fountain, missing, and King Dedede swimming in the fountain's waters. With the king telling Kirby he broke the Star Rod into pieces and gives it to his friends, Kirby sets out to reclaim them, even though King Dedede's actions are not what it seems.
This game is longer than Kirby's Dream Land, sporting 41 levels within seven worlds (each with its own theme, like the first world, Vegetable Valley, being a grassland, and the third world, Butter Building, taking place inside a giant tower). Each world has a hub where levels can be entered, as well as bonus games, a warp room that, when more than one are opened, will allow for warping to each world immediately, a museum where enemies with Copy Abilities are on display and can be sucked up and swallowed, and a battle arena where a mini-boss is fought, with victory being rewarded with health restoring items).
One of the cool new features of the game is the Copy Ability, which makes it debut in this game, and would become Kirby's main power in many games afterwards. By inhaling certain enemies into his mouth, he will flash, and if he swallows them, he will end up copying an ability based on their theme (i.e. swallowing a Blade Knight allows Kirby to become Sword Kirby, wielding a sword in battle, and swallowing a Waddle Dee turns him into Beam Kirby, allowing him to fire their beam attack). The power is free to use, but pushing Select or getting hit by an enemy causes Kirby to lose such power, which would be bad if playing a level where a certain copy ability is needed to find a secret switch, which are hidden in certain levels and when pressed, reveals more of the hub of the world the level is in, as well as fully restores health. Also, Kirby gains the ability to run, do a slide that doubles as an attack, and his spit attack can be stronger if he inhales more than one enemy. Also, the game marks the debut of Meta Knight, as he is one of the game's bosses who also has rooms where he sends soldiers to do battle. One of the best games the Nintendo Entertainment System has to offer, this is one to play.