Six Tulips
"Six Tulips" begins in Central Park with an almost comedic scenario of a charismatic young man and his apparently agitated girlfriend. Making a feeble attempt to salvage the relationship, he... Read all"Six Tulips" begins in Central Park with an almost comedic scenario of a charismatic young man and his apparently agitated girlfriend. Making a feeble attempt to salvage the relationship, he hands her a bunch of fresh tulips. In disgust, the girlfriend throws them down, leaving t... Read all"Six Tulips" begins in Central Park with an almost comedic scenario of a charismatic young man and his apparently agitated girlfriend. Making a feeble attempt to salvage the relationship, he hands her a bunch of fresh tulips. In disgust, the girlfriend throws them down, leaving the young man to find comfort in the arms of a sexy female onlooker while the flowers are l... Read all