I'm a little surprised to see low scores on this clever little picture. It was all shot in one day on a very small budget and I think it works pretty well for what it is. It has a nice little romance that plays out in one evening for the female character but the male character has to endure being in love with this woman for months, as he is only able to go back into time to see her for eleven minutes at a time and then wait a while and then come back. And sometimes he comes back before the last time he came back so the work he's done with the girl has to be redone...it's maddening enough to try to seduce a woman chronologically, imagine jumping in and out of the space-time continuum and trying to keep your "game" on straight. Anyway the way it plays out is real fun. Don't let the fact that there are no name actors in this one...it stands pretty well on its own without Michael Caine (new ordinances require Michael Caine to appear in every major Hollywood release in case you were not aware of this). Anyway, check it out...pretty fun.