I wonder if everyone saw the same film I watched... then I noticed that a better part of the good reviews for this film were posted prior to it's release date... so I guess the film makers have a lot of friends and family writing reviews for them. Also, I don't understand this excuse that most of the reviewers use stating "... considering the budget" or " great considering how low the budget". Since when do we excuse a film's poor production value on the money they had or didn't have? Maybe we need a new genre of films... Films shot on a shoestring budget that look like crap, but we excuse all that. Let me begin by saying that the box cover and the copy treatment are very misleading. This is some strange retelling of the Frankenstein story... only none of the characters are defined... none have the motivation or back story to even justify why they are doing what they do. Never did we get that Motorman Dan tinkered in reconstructive surgery... When he hits a motorist on the highway (on purpose or by accident? Who knows) he uses the victim to create his killing machine, but when did he hatch this plan... on the road? Days before? Weeks? How would a member of the audience know that his plan was to create this monster since there was no foreshadowing on this character... and since we never actually see him create the monster... I guess we have to just assume a lot. These are all the traits of a bad screenplay and this one is no exception with every cliché and bad horror movie moment telegraphed 500 feet ahead. For the most part the film is dark and murky and I guess this is the part we should forgive since they had no money for lights and the music was so annoying that at no point I had to turn the volume down as to not listen to it. The acting is OK, but at times the main character seemed to drift in and out of his part. The supporting cast is just plan bad and the monster, with his welding cap and pen lights just wanders around doing others bidding, so we are left to not care a thing for him. NOTE: In all great stories that involve a victim that is forced into bad situation... we should feel sorry for that person (Frankenstien's Monster, Hunchback, The Wolfman, etc).