Jonathan Rhys Meyers credited as playing...
Elvis Presley
- 'Colonel' Tom Parker: Let's face it, son. The records aren't doing what they used to and the movie aren't doing much better.
- Elvis Presley: That's probably because of all this material you keep shovin' down my throat, Colonel. Hell, you can't polish a turd.
- Elvis Presley: Listen to this. This is how God works.
- [reading]
- Elvis Presley: I may be expressing myself through these beautiful symphonies of light, color, and language that manifests itself as music. But they will hail you as one of the great ones of the day, and think of you as a wonderful preacher, and teacher.
- Red West: Huh?
- Elvis Presley: Don't you get it? Ever since Mamma died I've been asking myself these questions. Why'd God take her away from me? Why am I not happy when he gave me all this success and fame? Why, out of all the millions, did he pick me to be Elvis Presley?
- Lamar Fike: Don't we make you happy?
- Elvis Presley: No, Lamar, you don't. None of this does. Oh, you guys have to read these books.
- Gene Smith: Hey, if it ain't got Batman in it, it ain't in my library.
- Red West: Or naked women.
- Elvis Presley: To hell with the lot of you.
- Elvis Presley: [after a song] So, how was it?
- Priscilla Presley: I liked it, it was really sweet. I prefer the fast ones, though, like Jailhouse Rock. Why don't you do more of those?
- Elvis Presley: [shouting] Dammit, I didn't ask you to tell me how to sing! I just asked if you liked it! I get enough amateur opinions, I don't need one from you!
- [softly, after a pause]
- Elvis Presley: Come here, Sattnin.
- Priscilla Presley: No...
- Elvis Presley: Come on. I'm sorry, I just finished that session and I'm real proud of it. Better than the hogwash they give me to sing in those movies.
- [angrily]
- Elvis Presley: Stupid movies, stupid songs! But I shouldn't have yelled. I'm sorry.
- Vernon Presley: Elvis?
- Elvis Presley: What? And why are you lookin' at me like that? Do I have a zit or something?
- Vernon Presley: It's the pills, E. I'm worried about your health. I just wanna help.
- Elvis Presley: [shouting] I don't need no advice from the likes of you! You work for me, that's all.
- Vernon Presley: I'm your daddy!
- Elvis Presley: And I'm of age, old man! I don't need a daddy any more!