Jay Benedict credited as playing...
Dr. Aaron Michaels
- Dr. Aaron Michaels: It's all gone, isn't it? Years of research, gone.
- Dr. Jennifer Allen: We still may be able to salvage this. Let me see what we have backed up.
- Dr. Aaron Michaels: The government contracts won't wait. I've already laid off all the research assistants.
- Dr. Jennifer Allen: What? Why did you do that?
- Dr. Aaron Michaels: We have nothing if we don't have results. The reactor was one of a kind, a prototype. You've ruined me.
- Dr. Jennifer Allen: Excuse me?
- Dr. Aaron Michaels: It was you who let him in after all.
- Dr. Jennifer Allen: He had a gun to her head. What was I supposed to do? He killed her, Aaron.
- Dr. Aaron Michaels: So it wouldn't have mattered.
- Dr. Jennifer Allen: You've been drinking.
- Dr. Aaron Michaels: You're right. Care to join me? We were so close, Jennifer. We could've had it all. Instead, you blew it. I'm holding you responsible. I won't forget this Jennifer!
- Dr. Jennifer Allen: How dare you! Who do you think you are? That prisoner you had brought here, you were gonna test the mosquitoes on him, weren't you? You were gonna break protocol and go behind my back. And I was just wondering, Aaron, were you gonna give me any credit for any of the work I had done?
- Dr. Aaron Michaels: Don't you have work to do? As you're so keen on reminding me, people out there are dying. Go save the masses. Go on, get outta here.
- Dr. Jennifer Allen: You make me sick.
- Police Lt. Tom Randall: Dr Michaels? Nice to see you again. I'd like to ask you about Ray Erickson.
- Dr. Aaron Michaels: Look I'm not at fault here. Yes, he was scheduled to take part in my experimental drug testing program, but...
- Police Lt. Tom Randall: What? Are you saying that you're experimenting on convicts?
- Dr. Aaron Michaels: To put it bluntly, yes. In exchange for a reduced sentence, the subjects waive certain rights. I can assure you, it's all perfectly legal. Look he was just a name and a number to me, Lieutenant Randell. Look if there's anything I could do to help you...
- Police Lt. Tom Randall: I'll tell you what. Please give me a call. Day or night.
- Dr. Aaron Michaels: Okay.