Prophet Of The Restoration of the Mormon Cinema is a life study of the founder of the Church Of Christ of Latter Day Saints Joseph Smith who was the middle kid in a large family named Smith just trying to scratch out a living on a farm in Palmyra, New York. Back in those days Palmyra was part of what in Western New York State was called the 'burned over' district. Traveling preachers were in fact the only entertainment these people had often the only book they had in the house was the Bible and the various interpretations thereof these folks heard them all. It was the only entertainment these farmers scratching for a living in the soil like the Smith family had.
According to Joseph Smith he was first visited by the eternal when he was 15 and later on was given some gold plated bound books in Hebrew which this barely literate man translated. He did of course have help there. These became the Book of Mormon, a biblical supplement for what became the LDS church, the story of Israelites who made it to the western hemisphere and of Jesus who made a second visit to that western hemisphere civilization they started of which we have no archaeological evidence.
Nathan Mitchell who played Joseph Smith in several films anchors this film with a good interpretation of the part. As is usual scrupulous detail is given to creating the look and atmosphere of the Jacksonian era in American history where the church was founded and grew.
Gentile audiences will get a good idea about what makes LDS church what it is today from Prophet Of The Restoration.