Darryl Stephens credited as playing...
- X: [after X catches Andrew being kissed by Matthew] Hey, don't mind me.
- Andrew: heh
- [shakes head]
- Andrew: I give up... you win again.
- Andrew: I really wanted a different ending.
- X: As long as we get an ending.
- X: [voice inside X's head] Forgive me father, I was insanely jealous.
- Joey: [after spotting a guy with "Ding" shirt and another guy with "Dong" shirt together] I want my Ding.
- Andrew: I want my Dong.
- Andrew: [places bag of fertilizer in flower bed] Got shit?
- Andrew: [role-playing] Alex, is X here?
- X: You request the services of X? Call me X.
- X: [after Andrew puts his arm around X's shoulders before the wedding ceremony] What are you doing?
- Andrew: Accepting who I am.
- X: It feels like you're showing off.
- [Andrew removes his arm from around X's shoulders]
- X: [in church, just as the father is escorting Jill down the aisle] I know it's corny, but... isn't it romantic?
- Andrew: I don't believe you want me to give up.
- X: Don't spoil it.
- Andrew: I wonder if we'll ever be able to do this in my lifetime?