Kais Nashif credited as playing...
- Said: I was born in a refugee camp. I was allowed to leave the west Bank only once. I was 6 at the time and needed surgery. Life here is like life imprisonment. The crimes of the occupation are countless. The worst crime of all is to exploit the people's weaknesses and turn them into collaborators. By doing that, they not only kill the resistance, they also ruin families, ruin their dignity, and ruin an entire people. When my father was executed, I was 10 years old. He was a good person. But he grew weak. For that, I hold the occupation responsible. They must understand that if they recruit collaborators, they must pay the price for it. A life without dignity is worthless. Especially when it reminds you day after day, of humiliation and weakness. And the world watches cowardly, indifferently. If you're all alone, faced with this oppression... you have to find a way to stop the injustice. They must understand that if there's no security for us there'll be none for them either. It's not about power. Their power doesn't help them. I tried to deliver this message to them but I couldn't find another way. Even worse, they've convinced the world and themselves that they are the victims. How can that be? How can the occupier be the victim? If they take on the role of oppressor and victim then I have no other choice but to also be a victim and a murderer as well. I don't know how you'll decide, but I will not return to the refugee camp.
- Car Owner: It's still crooked.
- Said: What?
- Car Owner: It's still crooked.
- Said: What, the bumper?
- Car Owner: What else?
- Said: It's brand new.
- Car Owner: Maybe, but it's still crooked.
- Said: I'll take another look at it, sir.
- Car Owner: What for? It's crooked!
- Said: I don't think so.
- Car Owner: Are you saying I'm blind?
- Said: No, but you might be mistaken. Looks can be deceiving.
- Car Owner: My eyes are fine, and thank God for that.
- Said: And it's not crooked.
- Car Owner: Yes, it is! It's fucking crooked!
- Khaled: No, it's not.
- Car Owner: Get Abu Salim and have him look at it.
- Khaled: It's not crooked. You're probably cross-eyed.
- Car Owner: What did you say?
- Khaled: It's straight at a ruler.
- Car Owner: Go get Abu Salim. He'll tell you.
- Said: I'll check it with a level.
- [he takes a level and gives it to Khaled, who checks it]
- Car Owner: So who's cross-eyed now?
- Said: You are, sir. See? The ground's uneven, but the bumper's straight.
- Car Owner: Are you trying to screw me over? I can see it myself.
- Said: Is it true that your father was Abul Azzam? They say he was a hero. You must be very proud of him.
- Suha: Rather than feeling proud I would prefer that he were alive.
- Said: Thanks to what he did our cause is still alive today.
- Suha: Well there are always other ways to continue the cause.
- Said: It's not our option. The occupation picks the direction of the resistance.
- Suha: Well resistance can go in a lot of directions. But we must realize they we just do not have any military clout here. So we have to find other alternatives.
- Said: And pay the price for our grandparents defeat? Accept the injustice?
- Suha: This discussion is obviously going no where...