I have watched the first 2 episodes of The Apprentice:Martha Stewart and have to say that if you are a fan of The Apprentice (Donald Trump) you may like this. The show follows the basic formula created by Trump's show, a number of candidates (if they are truly the best I have to wonder) to compete in business related tasks. 2 teams, various abilities and personalities, working under pressure, in order to get a contract to work for Martha Stewart at a nice salary. The tasks here are more oriented to Martha's core business but they are still neat little tasks.
The best part of this show, like Trump's, are the personality conflicts and the struggle to see what one is made of.
The only parts that I do not like are the lack of input or conversation from Martha's 2 overseers, (but Carolyn and George were not all that vocal in the first season of Trump's Apprentice) and the little letter writing scene at the end, but other than that it's good.