Lev Liberman credited as playing...
Pigma Dengar • Ruffian
- Pigma Dengar (Aparoid Infection): Obey us... Obey us... Obey us... Obey.
- Pigma Dengar: Huh, what the...? Was I just talking in my sleep? N-No! I won't turn a profit by obeying them! I... I... I...
- Pigma Dengar (Aparoid Infection): I Obey
- Peppy Hare: [mission briefing before the Sargasso Space Hideout level] Curse you, Pigma! Why'd you run to such a vile place?
- Slippy Toad: [sounding worried] This colony's supposed to be a hideout for all sorts of criminals.
- Ruffian: [comes on the viewscreen] Don't you idiots know this is part of Lord O'Donnell's territory?
- Falco Lombardi: Hey! Who let you in?
- Fox McCloud: This is the Star Fox team! We're here for a hog named Pigma! We don't want trouble!
- Ruffian: We don't know about no Pigma or any other fool. And now we know you're Star Fox, you ain't going nowhere.
- [to someone offscreen]
- Ruffian: C'mon you lazy scum! Let's skin this fox and his whole crew! Get more guys up here! Come on!
- Peppy Hare: [at the Katina base, after Fox defeats the Aparoid Walker] Fox! Get that Core Memory!
- Fox McCloud: [sees the device on top of the walker] OK! That must be it...
- Peppy Hare: Careful! We don't know anything about what we're up against.
- Fox McCloud: I know that. Hey... It looks like that distress signal's no longer transmitting...
- Peppy Hare: Hmm... That doesn't sound good.
- [a small space ship rises out of the building behind Fox]
- Pigma Dengar: [in the ship] Heh hoo heh! Hey, thanks for helping me out!
- Fox McCloud: Pigma!
- Pigma Dengar: Har har! Long time, no see, eh, Fox?
- Fox McCloud: The SOS signal... It was you?
- Pigma Dengar: Hoo heh! Since I'm here, I'll just help myself to this!
- [uses a tractor beam to acquire the Core Memory]
- Fox McCloud: No! That's...
- Pigma Dengar: Hmm... Is it that important? Ha ha! Then I'm gonna be rich!
- [flies away]
- Pigma Dengar: Smell you later!
- Fox McCloud: Stop! Pigma! Dang!
- Peppy Hare: Fox! I'm tracking Pigma on radar! Get back to the Great Fox, now!