Absolute Garbage. The worst book I have ever read and with that the worst TV series ever, if you can even call it that. The plot is that a guy is thrown in a river, a girls saves him and when they get out of the water everybody's dead end of the world. Aliens come, kill everyone in 10 seconds and leave. Those are the first 3 minutes. What, just what... The characters and actors are horrible, even Kristen Stewart shows more emotion, heck even that guy from birdemic.
It's directed so badly you can even see the guy sinking underwater while covering his nose. Some moments and story are so laughable it feels like it was trying to be a comedy but further research negates such possibility. Rather than being a survival apocalypse it's basically 2 guys that go on a picnic. And when in your story you have only 2 characters then you have to develop them incredibly. But this are the most cardboard, bland, boring characters I have ever seen. No flashbacks, no emotions, no personality, no soul. And neither do the actors. You need to have some serious talent to find such bad actors. Honestly this is the worst thing I have ever read and I'm not alone on this. I know about 20 people who read this and nobody, I mean nobody liked it. They were all saying it was horrible. I went in with an opened mind but it just confesses it's horrible from the very beginning.
I recommend thought to watch it just to have a laugh off. But it truly deserves a 1/10.