Overall, I like the shows in this series. The plots are interesting, the acting is decent, and the characters are likable. However, there are problems that could be easily fixed. First, we need less family. I get the juxtaposition of the soccer mom with her normal family life and the spy working for the government, but the family is annoying. The kids are too cutesy, and the constant "affection" between Jane and her husband is way overdone. Maybe I'm just cynical, but no one I know who's been married 20 years, is that touchy feely and constantly kissing each other. Second is the music. The constant background music is intrusive and makes it difficult to concentrate on the show. The music is too loud, it's just...weird sounding, and it doesn't go along with what's happening on the screen. Same with the background noise; there's constant noise of people talking, kids screaming, traffic, all sorts of noise, that again, doesn't go along with what's actually happening. Aside from that, the shows are entertaining.