39 reviews
I must confess that I am not a Zelda expert, this was the first 3D Zelda game I've ever played (I have played a few GBS Zelda titles though so it completely new to me) but it was pure brilliance.
It plays so well with the Wii's controls and the story is so deep and it is so satisfying to figure out the next step. It will also lull you into a false sense of security, you'll think it's a peaceful moment when suddenly, something thrilling and unexpected happens and the plot thickens.
It looks great, the story keeps you playing and it makes the Nintendo Wii a must have just so you can play this game. Well done Nintendo!
It plays so well with the Wii's controls and the story is so deep and it is so satisfying to figure out the next step. It will also lull you into a false sense of security, you'll think it's a peaceful moment when suddenly, something thrilling and unexpected happens and the plot thickens.
It looks great, the story keeps you playing and it makes the Nintendo Wii a must have just so you can play this game. Well done Nintendo!
- clements1991
- Dec 30, 2006
- Permalink
There's a guy who made a comment about this game boasting that it wasn't very interactive upon character-to-character meetings, the wii-mote made fighting difficult, and the camera angles were bad. He's overly-opinionated. I'm a huge Zelda fan, and when this game was released, I was expecting nothing less than perfect, especially considering all the hype, and countless delays that it underwent. Needless to say, I was not disappointed. After finishing it last night, I can still attest to the fact that this game rocks. The wii-mote control is near-flawless, the camera was spectacular, the learning curve for the control did not take long at all, the storyline was VERY deep, the final battle was epic, and the games visuals are top-notch, especially considering it was built for Gamecube hardware. I'd say that if there were a single flaw in this game, it would be the lack of voice-work....that would have been nice, but hell...I can read. This game is amazing...greatest game I've ever played. If you don't own it, do so immediately.
- fishingphantom
- Jan 3, 2007
- Permalink
Four long years have passed since we were given the last console Zelda title, 2003's The Wind Waker. It has been a long, arduous wait, a roller-coaster ride of emotions. During that time, Twilight Princess has had hype unlike any game prior, a game that had to succeed on numerous levels in order to live up to the steep expectations laid out before it. Not only was it being billed as the greatest Zelda ever -- serious shoes to fill, no doubt -- but also had to show that the Wii's new controller was suited toward the "hardcore" games; against all odds, between all the criticisms and controversy between their being two versions, Twilight Princess amazingly follows through on all of its promises. Nintendo has done what one might consider the unthinkable -- achieved perfection.
- Post-Punk-Eddie
- Dec 10, 2006
- Permalink
This is by far the best Zelda game I have ever played, besides Ocarina of Time. Once again you wield the master sword with the legendary hero Link in a quest to save the land of Hyrule from evil forces. I don't want to spoil anything here concerning the story, so I will not get into it, but if you have played previous Zelda games then it flows in somewhat a similar fashion. The stunning graphics as well as the music is very appealing. The game play is awesome, I would assume this to be even better if you are playing the Wii version. This was one of main reasons I decided to buy a gamecube. I have been a long time fan of the Zelda series since a Link to the Past been released on the SNES back in the early 90's, so I am able to appreciate the growth of this series throughout the years. This is a must for any gamer out there, if you don't take my word for it, at least rent it and try it out.
Until 2006 Ocarina was the only Zelda game to really be reckoned with, in the grand scheme of gaming. Thats all changed with Twilight Princess.
Link is back (at full height unlike certain games i shan't mention, *cough* wind waker*) and looking better than ever. Hyrule is captured in breathtaking graphics, as you play you'll end up in familiar locations from OOT looking much better than you remembered.
Swordplay is much improved from Wind Waker, finally, its taken a while...but Link has big swords to play with again !!! Much to my tastes, fighting takes more skill than it did in Wind Waker; remember certain moves in WW which you could perform by simply pressing A when the screen flashed ? Yeah ? Well those moves are now secret, unlocked by hard work and take more than just a flashing button to pull off.
Dungeons are inventive and will have you scratching your head in puzzlement, though fairly linear in design (which some may not like) they aren't a walk a park but also don't require a masters degree to fathom. Certain enemies you encounter will have you going "OOOOH i remember these guys" as old bad guys from OOT make appearances.
You may be thinking hmmmm is this just Ocarina of Time 2? NO its not. TP comes into its own from the start, this has a much different feel to previous Zeldas, much darker and deeper than ever before. An excellent storyline which does intertwine with OOT but definitely not a sequel.
An excellent game. Best I've played in a long time.
PS i own the NGC version so i cant really make comments on control aspects as the majority of buyers for this game will probably be Wii
Link is back (at full height unlike certain games i shan't mention, *cough* wind waker*) and looking better than ever. Hyrule is captured in breathtaking graphics, as you play you'll end up in familiar locations from OOT looking much better than you remembered.
Swordplay is much improved from Wind Waker, finally, its taken a while...but Link has big swords to play with again !!! Much to my tastes, fighting takes more skill than it did in Wind Waker; remember certain moves in WW which you could perform by simply pressing A when the screen flashed ? Yeah ? Well those moves are now secret, unlocked by hard work and take more than just a flashing button to pull off.
Dungeons are inventive and will have you scratching your head in puzzlement, though fairly linear in design (which some may not like) they aren't a walk a park but also don't require a masters degree to fathom. Certain enemies you encounter will have you going "OOOOH i remember these guys" as old bad guys from OOT make appearances.
You may be thinking hmmmm is this just Ocarina of Time 2? NO its not. TP comes into its own from the start, this has a much different feel to previous Zeldas, much darker and deeper than ever before. An excellent storyline which does intertwine with OOT but definitely not a sequel.
An excellent game. Best I've played in a long time.
PS i own the NGC version so i cant really make comments on control aspects as the majority of buyers for this game will probably be Wii
I have been waiting for this game since winter 2004. When I saw the first trailer for it I went crazy and had to get it as soon as it came out. Didn't come out till fall 2006 now on the Wii instead of the Gamecube. The game is awesome and I would say it is the number one Zelda game. I think the only thing that disappointed me was the fact there was no connection to the Wind Waker. There was a huge connection to Wind Waker from Ocarina of Time. Other than that it is the best game ever invented. The game just like most Zelda games starts as Link living in a small village. When the world is thrown into twilight a mysterious he is turned into a wolf. A mysterious person/creature named Midna come and rescues him from a prisons he had been thrown into. The real journey starts there. From wolf to link the game is awesome all the way through. Buy it! If you don't have a Wii get it for the Gamecube. I would say its the best game of 2006.
Being one who has lived through all the zelda games to the current date, I can without doubt call this game a masterpiece. I bought this game on Friday, was finished on Sunday evening. I didn't leave the freaking chair, it took me a whole 37 hours to play it through. It is by far the most adrenaline-filled zelda game that has been launched, where the Wii remote takes you further into the game, living every slash, feeling every blow.
Twilight Princess is the longest game in the series, with some awesome new features, including transformation, sword skills, point-n-shoot and the best part, the combination of the remote and nunchuck. The graphics are breathtaking, whereas the engine doesn't overcharge the console, though its not as good as the xbox or the new playstation. But what the heck, its 250$ for everything, its worth it. The ingenious part of it is that Nintendo pushes the detail on graphics where they are most needed.
To the hyped zelda fanatics who has not played this game yet. The game itself is not that revolutionary compared to lengend of zelda, a link to the past or ocarina of time. But still its worth every penny, every second.
This is the BEST game i have played since ocarina time. Thats why i have given it a ten.
Twilight Princess is the longest game in the series, with some awesome new features, including transformation, sword skills, point-n-shoot and the best part, the combination of the remote and nunchuck. The graphics are breathtaking, whereas the engine doesn't overcharge the console, though its not as good as the xbox or the new playstation. But what the heck, its 250$ for everything, its worth it. The ingenious part of it is that Nintendo pushes the detail on graphics where they are most needed.
To the hyped zelda fanatics who has not played this game yet. The game itself is not that revolutionary compared to lengend of zelda, a link to the past or ocarina of time. But still its worth every penny, every second.
This is the BEST game i have played since ocarina time. Thats why i have given it a ten.
- jakob_lothe
- Dec 13, 2006
- Permalink
Many people put this legend of zelda game down and say that it is not innovative, I really am not in a position to comment on that since the only Zelda games I've played were Ocarina and Twilight Princess, and I see a formula created by Ocarina prefected by Twilight Princess and the genius developers down at Nintendo. As with all Zelda games, you start slow, and continue to work your way up with the never ending plot twists. The controls work perfectly on the Wii version, and the sounds coming out of the wii remote just add extra immersion. The music is the same Zelda music that has been praised by everyone around the globe. Ocarina of Time was the best reviewed game of ALL TIME (gamerankings.com), and using a winning formula is not a bad thing. Twilight Princess has beautiful artistic perspective, and one of the best looking GAmecube games to date (even the Wii version was developed on the GAmecube, so they count as gamecube graphics). There is nothing more fun than shooting an arrow all the way across hyrule field, then riding your horse trying to find it again. With award winning sound and gameplay, the most in depth plot, great graphics, great artistic perspective, over 60 hours of gameplay, and a character that never talks, The legend of Zelda Twilight Princess is sure to bring enjoyment to any gamer who appreciates games for what they are, an art.
- renger6002
- Jan 27, 2007
- Permalink
I am a huge fan of the Zelda franchise, and I was very excited when I heard about this game on the Wii; I must say that the game delivered a grander adventure than I ever dreamed it could of. The story of Twilight Princess (I won't spoil any of it for those who haven't played it) is simply breathtaking, it has heart and emotion; the script for the game was marvelous, the whole story was just very cinematic and magical. A great addition to the story is being able to play as Link when he transforms into a wolf, and that is all I'll say about it, it's really fun. The biggest concern from most gamers were the controls which after playing the game are just perfectly suited for the Zelda franchise, swinging the wiimote as a sword never gets old. One of the greatest things about the game is the wide array of side quests. Zelda has always been known for its many side quests and this one delivers, you will be playing this game long after you've finished it to complete them all. Finally the graphics are just superb and need to be seen in action to believe.
This is a Zelda adventure that appeals to both old fans and new, it moves the franchise forward into shining new directions without alienating the old fans. I have played many of the big games on the Wii like Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 and I must say that I still enjoyed this game the most thus far. This is the best game on the Wii.
A perfect 10/10!
This is a Zelda adventure that appeals to both old fans and new, it moves the franchise forward into shining new directions without alienating the old fans. I have played many of the big games on the Wii like Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 and I must say that I still enjoyed this game the most thus far. This is the best game on the Wii.
A perfect 10/10!
- griffolyon12
- Jan 1, 2008
- Permalink
- TLZOOTfan91
- Jan 6, 2007
- Permalink
- mussicmann42
- Feb 9, 2007
- Permalink
Though I don't much consider myself a "gamer" anymore, I will always have a soft spot for the Zelda series, as I consider "Ocarina of Time" to be perhaps the greatest adventure game I've ever played. In recent years, I have tried playing through "Majora's Mask" (too difficult) and "Wind Waker" (the cartoonish animation never quite suited me) and came up disappointed both times. After always kind of knowing that "Twilight Princess" was compared favorable to Ocarina, I decide to final give it a try on my old Gamecube.
First off, I have to say that I have not completed the game (and may not ever). My interests have shifted away from the video-game playing of my youth and I no longer seem to have the patience for long adventure games anymore. So, this review will be more about the "feeling" of the experience rather than the actual nuts and bolts of the game itself.
That being said, I still wanted to comment on the quality of the game, as I could automatically tell that it was more kin to "Ocarina" than the previous two before it. The gameplay is basically the same (except now you get the horse right from the get-go!) and I could see similar themes between the two. "Twilight Princess" is set up as an epic adventure like "Ocarina", not a race against the clock ("Majora") or a swashbuckling cartoon ("Waker").
I couldn't give this game the full five stars, however, because it still didn't "fit like a glove" like Ocarina still does. Call me an old curmudgeon or awash in nostalgia if you will (and both of those things are probably true!), but even to this day I can still take out "Ocarina" from time to time and it seems like I can completely get swept away in it each time. I didn't have that "complete buy-in" with "Twilight Princess". Was that more because of my own personal biases...or was it that "Ocarina" is still the gold standard? I'm not sure. Either way, that doubt was even to drop it to four stars instead of a sparkling five.
Bottom line of what you need to know if you are considering giving this game a try: It plays more like "Ocarina" than any other game in the series to that point. If you were disappointed with the frantic pace of "Majora's Mask" or the cartoon-y nature of "Wind Waker", this game will "feel like Zelda" for you right away.
First off, I have to say that I have not completed the game (and may not ever). My interests have shifted away from the video-game playing of my youth and I no longer seem to have the patience for long adventure games anymore. So, this review will be more about the "feeling" of the experience rather than the actual nuts and bolts of the game itself.
That being said, I still wanted to comment on the quality of the game, as I could automatically tell that it was more kin to "Ocarina" than the previous two before it. The gameplay is basically the same (except now you get the horse right from the get-go!) and I could see similar themes between the two. "Twilight Princess" is set up as an epic adventure like "Ocarina", not a race against the clock ("Majora") or a swashbuckling cartoon ("Waker").
I couldn't give this game the full five stars, however, because it still didn't "fit like a glove" like Ocarina still does. Call me an old curmudgeon or awash in nostalgia if you will (and both of those things are probably true!), but even to this day I can still take out "Ocarina" from time to time and it seems like I can completely get swept away in it each time. I didn't have that "complete buy-in" with "Twilight Princess". Was that more because of my own personal biases...or was it that "Ocarina" is still the gold standard? I'm not sure. Either way, that doubt was even to drop it to four stars instead of a sparkling five.
Bottom line of what you need to know if you are considering giving this game a try: It plays more like "Ocarina" than any other game in the series to that point. If you were disappointed with the frantic pace of "Majora's Mask" or the cartoon-y nature of "Wind Waker", this game will "feel like Zelda" for you right away.
- repo_jake-1
- Jul 25, 2007
- Permalink
A truly darker, epic and gritty Zelda game!
- Gameplay
- Combat
- Graphics
- Soundtrack
- Story
- Characters
- Boss fights
- Level design
- Puzzles
- Game length
- Epic
- Early game monotony
- Wolf levels
- Sumo level
- pegasus-67050
- Jun 14, 2018
- Permalink
- gullcrap_slithroat
- Jan 2, 2007
- Permalink
- james.p.taylor
- Feb 26, 2007
- Permalink
The main problem with "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess", the thirteenth installment in Nintendo's iconic series, can be summed up in three words: "Ocarina of Time." Now, before you scream, I need to be heard out. I'm not saying "Ocarina of Time" (hereafter referred to as "OoT") was a bad game. It was actually a masterpiece of its time. However, the fact remains that "Twilight Princess" at times comes off as a shadow of "OoT."
The game centers on Link, a farmhand in the village of Ordon. After a series of bizarre circumstances occurs, and a devious plot to cover the kingdom of Hyrule in a phantom realm of Twilight emerges, Link and his new cohort, an imp-like creature "Midna", must save the world from devious forces.
The game has many strengths and weaknesses. Here's my breakdown of basic gameplay facets:
Graphics... 9 out of 10. The graphic and design department is fantastic overall. Taking a more realistic look after the prior entry (the cartoonish "Wind Waker"), this entry is seeping with visuals akin to Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" films. Everything is very much darker and grittier. While I enjoyed "Wind Waker", "Twilight Princess" has a unique flavor. The only thing keeping this from getting a 10 is some minor issues. Mainly that the graphics weren't quite up-to-snuff for the time. This game came out in 2006, when HD was becoming prevalent. And the fact that the game has lower-resolution, Standard Def visuals does make it look more aged than it should. (Particularly when playing it on an HD TV-set. Everything is a bit too pixelated and washed out, even for a 2006 release.) However, the design is good. Particularly the amber toned "Twilight Realm" is eerie and glorious.
Sound... 10 out of 10. The music and sound design is top-notch, and this is to be expected from "Zelda." Many iconic themes are present, and the new music and sounds are also amazing. (The Twilight Realm really stands out)
Control... 8 out of 10. The controls are perfect for the Gamecube edition. However, the Wii Edition did leave a sour-taste in my mouth. They aren't bad, just a bit too jarring and different. Also, some of the basic functions in both versions (particularly climbing) is nightmarish. Not only is Link's climbing animation PAINFULLY slow, but the controls are too sensitive. Any movement of the control-stick, even a slight quiver, will make Link crawl in a different direction, which is frustrating beyond belief. But all in all, tight, concise, controls.
Now that we've covered the basics of the game from a technical level, let's analyze the pros and cons of the gameplay.
As I said, this is a game of many strengths and weaknesses. Among the strengths... The story is the most thematic and cinematic of the series at the time of release. Characters are developed more than before. The game takes time to establish itself, creating a more enriching experience. The characters are extremely likable. In particular your new "sidekick" Midna, a mischievous character who will steal your heart. By far the best "sidekick" in the series. Gameplay is also fun, and gives you the choice of progressing through the story, or doing many available side-quests, like collecting the souls of ghost-like "Poes", searching for insects to help a collector, finding heart-pieces to increase your health, etc. There's a lot to do in the larger and more expansive world.
The darker tone and cut-scenes also give us a unique view of the franchise, and there's plenty of spooky fun to have in the Twilight. (Which I dubbed "Hyrule: The Silent Hill Variation")
That being said, there are big issues with the game that do hold it back. For starters, this game can be a chore to play. The opening of the game, put in place to establish the setting and characters, can become infuriatingly dull. Especially on a second play- through. Well over an hour is devoted to tedious tutorials, repetitive scenes, etc. before the first dungeon of the game is reached. I have more than once anticipated a new play-through, only to quit half an hour in because I was just so bored with the opening.
The larger, more expansive world and dynamics of the game also lend to a clunkier, slower story. Hyrule field is enormous, many areas are huge, and the game is not always specific about what to do. There will be a lot of slow, blind wandering in the earlier parts of the game. And it does affect the score.
There are also lots of tiny problems that add up. (slow climbing animations, questionable designs, useless items like the Top, etc.)
Finally, the major problem is that this game feels like an attempt to cash in on "OoT." The last game took the series in a new direction, and it worked. Despite it's graphics, "Wind Waker" was a triumph, and did everything right. It perfected the controls, found a great balance of gameplay and story and it gave Link an unprecedented amount of expression and character. While many consider "OoT" a masterpiece, for me, "Wind Waker" is the masterpiece. A perfect game. However, fans wanted a darker game, so the "Wind Waker" sequel for Gamecube was dropped for this.
And this does feel like a shoehorned attempt to appeal to "OoT" fans. It takes so much from "OoT"... to the point you encounter the spirit of Link from "OoT." It used a similar graphical style, hits similar notes, etc. It felt like they were trying too hard to make "Ocarina of Time: The Gritty Reboot" instead of giving this game it's own identity.
But those complaints aside, this is still a fun, solid game, and a good addition to the series. Unfortunately, it's just one of the weaker ones.
"The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" gets an 8 out of 10.
The game centers on Link, a farmhand in the village of Ordon. After a series of bizarre circumstances occurs, and a devious plot to cover the kingdom of Hyrule in a phantom realm of Twilight emerges, Link and his new cohort, an imp-like creature "Midna", must save the world from devious forces.
The game has many strengths and weaknesses. Here's my breakdown of basic gameplay facets:
Graphics... 9 out of 10. The graphic and design department is fantastic overall. Taking a more realistic look after the prior entry (the cartoonish "Wind Waker"), this entry is seeping with visuals akin to Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" films. Everything is very much darker and grittier. While I enjoyed "Wind Waker", "Twilight Princess" has a unique flavor. The only thing keeping this from getting a 10 is some minor issues. Mainly that the graphics weren't quite up-to-snuff for the time. This game came out in 2006, when HD was becoming prevalent. And the fact that the game has lower-resolution, Standard Def visuals does make it look more aged than it should. (Particularly when playing it on an HD TV-set. Everything is a bit too pixelated and washed out, even for a 2006 release.) However, the design is good. Particularly the amber toned "Twilight Realm" is eerie and glorious.
Sound... 10 out of 10. The music and sound design is top-notch, and this is to be expected from "Zelda." Many iconic themes are present, and the new music and sounds are also amazing. (The Twilight Realm really stands out)
Control... 8 out of 10. The controls are perfect for the Gamecube edition. However, the Wii Edition did leave a sour-taste in my mouth. They aren't bad, just a bit too jarring and different. Also, some of the basic functions in both versions (particularly climbing) is nightmarish. Not only is Link's climbing animation PAINFULLY slow, but the controls are too sensitive. Any movement of the control-stick, even a slight quiver, will make Link crawl in a different direction, which is frustrating beyond belief. But all in all, tight, concise, controls.
Now that we've covered the basics of the game from a technical level, let's analyze the pros and cons of the gameplay.
As I said, this is a game of many strengths and weaknesses. Among the strengths... The story is the most thematic and cinematic of the series at the time of release. Characters are developed more than before. The game takes time to establish itself, creating a more enriching experience. The characters are extremely likable. In particular your new "sidekick" Midna, a mischievous character who will steal your heart. By far the best "sidekick" in the series. Gameplay is also fun, and gives you the choice of progressing through the story, or doing many available side-quests, like collecting the souls of ghost-like "Poes", searching for insects to help a collector, finding heart-pieces to increase your health, etc. There's a lot to do in the larger and more expansive world.
The darker tone and cut-scenes also give us a unique view of the franchise, and there's plenty of spooky fun to have in the Twilight. (Which I dubbed "Hyrule: The Silent Hill Variation")
That being said, there are big issues with the game that do hold it back. For starters, this game can be a chore to play. The opening of the game, put in place to establish the setting and characters, can become infuriatingly dull. Especially on a second play- through. Well over an hour is devoted to tedious tutorials, repetitive scenes, etc. before the first dungeon of the game is reached. I have more than once anticipated a new play-through, only to quit half an hour in because I was just so bored with the opening.
The larger, more expansive world and dynamics of the game also lend to a clunkier, slower story. Hyrule field is enormous, many areas are huge, and the game is not always specific about what to do. There will be a lot of slow, blind wandering in the earlier parts of the game. And it does affect the score.
There are also lots of tiny problems that add up. (slow climbing animations, questionable designs, useless items like the Top, etc.)
Finally, the major problem is that this game feels like an attempt to cash in on "OoT." The last game took the series in a new direction, and it worked. Despite it's graphics, "Wind Waker" was a triumph, and did everything right. It perfected the controls, found a great balance of gameplay and story and it gave Link an unprecedented amount of expression and character. While many consider "OoT" a masterpiece, for me, "Wind Waker" is the masterpiece. A perfect game. However, fans wanted a darker game, so the "Wind Waker" sequel for Gamecube was dropped for this.
And this does feel like a shoehorned attempt to appeal to "OoT" fans. It takes so much from "OoT"... to the point you encounter the spirit of Link from "OoT." It used a similar graphical style, hits similar notes, etc. It felt like they were trying too hard to make "Ocarina of Time: The Gritty Reboot" instead of giving this game it's own identity.
But those complaints aside, this is still a fun, solid game, and a good addition to the series. Unfortunately, it's just one of the weaker ones.
"The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" gets an 8 out of 10.
- TedStixonAKAMaximumMadness
- Sep 10, 2013
- Permalink
to tell the truth i didn't expect that zelda twilight princess will be that bad or good. but when i started playing it i thought it was surprisingly good graphical, good characters, good bosses and a great head over hells ganondorf. zant the shadow prince i found wasn't as good as i thought he would be. he was pretty simple to fight. wolf link wasn't as fun as playing as normal link especially on the wii system where you can swing the wiimote as a sword. zelda i thought couldn't of been prettier, midna was cute and her true form was by god so beautiful more beautiful than zelda! i loved the master sword and the zoras and gorons but it seemed to be missing lon lon ranch. overall the horse, bosses, monsters, twilight world, villains, friends, good guys etc, etc were almost spectacularly amazing! best zelda game to date after ocarina of time. 10/10
this is such a fantastic title. its huge, involving, and on the wii, there are fantastic controls. great music, interesting and dark storyline, and beautiful graphics as well. also, there are tons of side quests; i did just about all of them, and altogether, the game took about 60 hours. So, if you like epic, fun games with a great essence of adventure, this ones definitely for you. one of my complaints, though, is that sometimes it gets too easy, though its definitely challenging in some parts, so don't worry about it at all. also, if you have heard that most of the music is mini game music, thats a lie. so like i said; this one is more than worth checking out. however, its best for generally hardcore zelda fans to play this one; the experience is more thrilling that way. there's certainly great nostalgia there.
- ernievader
- Mar 28, 2008
- Permalink
How could this have happened? How could we have received to epic 3D Zelda games(Ocarina and Windwaker), only to get this "dud" of a game? After all the delays and years of waiting, how come we're left with this? Oh yeah, that's right, Nintendo just remade Ocarina with better graphics, and a re-hashed soundtrack. To be frank, I am utterly disappointed in this game.
Twilight Princess fails on many levels. No more so than it's atrocious story line. Pretty much every Zelda has a pretty good plot, but not this one. In TP, they've added an uninteresting, confusing, jumbled tale that will bore you by game's end, and leave you unsatisfied.
Zelda has always been known for it's outstanding melodies, and orchestra. For some reason though, new music really wasn't created. No, instead we're left with remixes of Ocarina tunes that were released about eight years ago. And, it's a pretty sad thing too, because based on the game's setting and massive environments it just screams for a truly outstanding chorus, and we are not given that.
As if it isn't bad enough already, Twilight Princess just isn't that fun to play. And since the game takes about anywhere between 30-50 hours to complete, you'll feel like it keeps dragging on with no conclusion in sight.
TP doesn't fail on all levels though. The visuals, though they clearly look dated, are somewhat impressive, especially the water effects. Also, the game translates very well onto Wii, and controls, for the most part, are very fluid. But, sadly, these things aren't enough to save this uneventful, pale and just overall bad game.
Twilight Princess fails on many levels. No more so than it's atrocious story line. Pretty much every Zelda has a pretty good plot, but not this one. In TP, they've added an uninteresting, confusing, jumbled tale that will bore you by game's end, and leave you unsatisfied.
Zelda has always been known for it's outstanding melodies, and orchestra. For some reason though, new music really wasn't created. No, instead we're left with remixes of Ocarina tunes that were released about eight years ago. And, it's a pretty sad thing too, because based on the game's setting and massive environments it just screams for a truly outstanding chorus, and we are not given that.
As if it isn't bad enough already, Twilight Princess just isn't that fun to play. And since the game takes about anywhere between 30-50 hours to complete, you'll feel like it keeps dragging on with no conclusion in sight.
TP doesn't fail on all levels though. The visuals, though they clearly look dated, are somewhat impressive, especially the water effects. Also, the game translates very well onto Wii, and controls, for the most part, are very fluid. But, sadly, these things aren't enough to save this uneventful, pale and just overall bad game.
- bstarter29
- Apr 2, 2007
- Permalink
- axelgeddekjallgren
- Feb 16, 2021
- Permalink
i voted 10/10 even thought i have only scratched the surface of the game... i think it is awesome i love it... just the way it is interactive and the way u have ti fight it is great. i like the concept of the wolf... and midna is cool... hopefully she wont be like navi... just one thing... what is the point in the fairy thing on screen can anyone tell me? i guess its a given that i would like this game as i am a legend of zelda nutter... even though i don't own all the games lol i also think the graphics are good... hope fully the game isn't to long but not to short. i have heard that its a very big game... which in the end could b a good thing or a bad thing... depends on if u like long games or not...
- adeleatkins1
- Dec 10, 2006
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