I have seen many of the episodes and enjoy the show for the racing. When I was street racing in the 80's, it was always heads-up and if you couldn't meet the challenge, you lost. When we got serious about big money, since we didn't race for "pinks", we went to the track where it could be determined by lights and computers. There was no question about launches or finishes.
One episode I have seen twice, one of the opponents was 2 hours late, then said he had to "change his oil" before he could race. While one guy was changing the oil, others were working on the car. That showed two things that I can't stand: Tardiness and Lying. He should have handed over the keys and the title as soon as he showed up. If he had been on time, he could have raced to keep his car. In other racing, if you are not at the line when the flag drops, you lose! NASCAR doesn't wait. Indy doesn't wait. Baja is all about time; If you are not there at YOUR start time, you don't get to run. Since he was allowed to race, he should have been disqualified for lying about the "oil change". It's one thing to bluff about what your car has in it, it's another thing to lie about work you have to do, especially when you are already late.
Although safety is always enforced, there should be a tech inspection. One car always sticks out in my mind because of it's "roll-cage". A roll-cage is a safety devise that is meant to protect the driver as well as stiffen he car. In the event of a rollover at high speeds, an improperly designed and built cage can actually kill the driver. My concern is all the viewers that see it as an example of a car that is allowed to run with an improper cage.
Of course I will continue to watch the show, but wish they used the lights and required inspections. It would eliminate most of the dramatics and bring the focus more on the racing. I do recommend it for anyone wanting a glimpse into the amateur racing world.