- Prisoner: [Inside a prison cell they share] You know, how they are supreme in their native world...
- Edmond: But when you put them here...
- Prisoner: We call them dogs... Or animals...
- Edmond: Yes.
- Prisoner: And we scorn them. We scorn them in our fear... But don't you think...
- Edmond: It very well could be.
- Prisoner: But on their native world... they are supreme.
- Edmond: I think that's very...
- Prisoner: And what we have done... is to disgrace ourselves.
- Edmond: We have.
- Prisoner: Because we did not treat them with respect.
- Man in Bar: [while watching a basketball game at a bar] I'll tell you who's got it easy.
- Edmond: Who?
- Man in Bar: [Gestures to basketball game on TV] The niggers. Sometimes I wish I was a nigger.
- Edmond: Sometimes I wish I was too.
- Man in Bar: I'd rob a store. I don't blame 'em, I swear to God. Because I want to tell ya, we're bred to do the things that we do.
- Edmond: Yes.
- Man in Bar: Northern race, one thing, southern race... something else.
- [Gestures to basketball game on TV again and starts to light up a cigarette]
- Man in Bar: And what they want to do is sit under the tree and watch the elephant. And I don't blame them one small bit.
- Edmond: [after slashing a woman to death with a knife] Now look what you've done. Now look what you've bloody fucking done.