- [from trailer]
- President Gerald Fitzhugh: [as Buck looks at his Bible] Answers first, prayers later!
- Buck Williams: The answer's in there.
- Buck Williams: [Chole is about to leave and take medicine to the sick] I don't like this idea and your dad won't either.
- Chloe Steele: You're supposed to love and obey.
- [first lines]
- President Gerald Fitzhugh: Funny thing about a dream: When you're asleep, no matter what happens, no matter how crazy it might be, it all seems to make sense. I was there when millions of people vanished off the face of the earth. But I didn't wake up. I cheered as the world came together in the name of peace. Race, politics, and religion no long mattered.
- Amanda White: Captain Rayford Steele, you are not the person I would expect to marry.
- Rayford Steele: [laughs] Gee, thanks.