Anil Kapoor credited as playing...
Advocate Krishan Pundit
- Advocate Krishan Pundit: Your friend was getting shot, and you just stood and watched him die?
- Pipi: I was scared shitless. The Devil was standing before me, Murtuza Arzai! I just couldn't bring myself to move.
- Advocate Krishan Pundit: Rocker was your friend, Pipi! He was your friend, goddamnit! You had a gun! Why the hell didn't you shoot?
- Pipi: And what if I had missed?
- Advocate Krishan Pundit: What did Sim keep a gun for?
- Pipi: What do you keep a cigar in you hand for? smoking's forbidden here, isn't it? So why do you chew on it and twirl it in your fingers? It's a status symbol, gives you a feeling of power.
- Advocate Krishan Pundit: Would you like a cigar?
- Pipi: No, thanks, I don't smoke
- Advocate Krishan Pundit: You can't smoke in here anyway...
- Advocate Krishan Pundit: All right, Bilal, I'll take your word for it. but if i find you knew, but still didn't tell me, you can hide your ass in any cave from Iran to Afghanistan, i promise I'll still hunt you down.
- Advocate Krishan Pundit: I knew it! Rocker is Murtuza Arzai! Go on, go on, what happened next?
- Simran "Sim" Chopra: Then something hit me, and I passed out.
- Advocate Krishan Pundit: Ok, so you passed out. But you, Pipi, were awake, right? You saw everything that followed.
- Pipi: Yes, I did. I saw everything. I saw my friend Rocker die right in front of me.
- Advocate Krishan Pundit: I want to talk to you, Bilal. It's about Abbas
- Bilal: Every third man in our country is named Abbas. Which one are you talking about?