- Vega: I'm on to you, John. I know what you are. You're a lemon.
- John: And I who always thought of myself as a mango. OK Freud, what do you mean?
- Vega: People might be attracted to your nice round shape and bright yellow color. But then they run away when they realize that your inside is bitter and sour. But you go well with drinks, though, and that is credible.
- Joel: Rick Allen isn't the drummer of Iron Maiden.
- Robert: So who is?
- Joel: Nicko McBrain plays in Maiden.
- Robert: You just made that name up.
- Joel: You're thinking of Def Leppard. Rick plays in Def Leppard.
- Robert: And the difference is...?
- Joel: The guy only got one bloody arm!
- Robert: You can't play drums with one arm!
- Maria: Mother says that we are going to be sisters. That we will travel together and always be together. You will never be lonely. Mother says you did not like it here, anyway.
- Dr. Nilsson: What's really interesting me is this.
- Jacob: And what's that?
- Dr. Nilsson: Dermatic penetration at a 35 mm distance of Arteria carotis communis.
- Jacob: Really, whould you like me to nod as I understand or do you feel like saying it again, in Swedish?
- Dr. Nilsson: Well there is two freaking holes right into the artery. That alone would be the cause of death!
- Annika: Professor Beckert!
- Professor Gerhard Beckert: I don't have time. Someone has broken into my private lab.
- Annika: She bit me!
- Professor Gerhard Beckert: Who?
- Annika: Your patient, the comatose woman. She bit me!
- Professor Gerhard Beckert: Let me see. Here, press this hard against the wound.
- Doctor: Wheelchair racing, anesthetic in the cocktails at our office party, and now throwing syringes! I don't even want to think... These blasted budget cuts! The doctors are either wet behind their ears or closer to death than next Thursday! Fuck this...
- Professor Gerhard Beckert: [Upon Annika's impending vampirization] What's the manner? You look a bit pale. Do you want something? A nice cup of blood?
- Christopher the Drunk: [Upon seeing John transforming into a vampire] That guy can't handle his drinking.