Miguel Lunardi credited as playing...
- Zamora: In any situation, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The next best thing you can do is the wrong thing. But the worst thing you can do is nothing.
- Zamora: Did you know that in America there is a seven-year wait for a healty kidney? And in Europe it's worse. So if a rich gringo needs a kidney, what does he do? Wait and get sick like the rest of us? No. He comes here to Brazil to take advantage of our bounty and of our poverty.
- Zamora: I'd take your hearts too, your corneas- even the skin from your lily-white asses. But they don't travel well.
- Zamora: The whole history of our country is taking you from us and our land- rubber, sugar, gold. And from our bodies- for slaves, for sex. And now, for- for our insides.
- Zamora: Don't take this personal, okay? If it makes you feel any better, please know that I'm doing this for a good cause.
- Zamora: I've found a way for you to give back...
- [Zamora removes tourist girl's liver while another tourist watches in horror]