270 reviews
I saw this movie despite it's bad rating, and I must say that it wasn't at all bad. Good production values, great soundtrack and a somewhat believable story. I think a lot of people would've found it better had they not expected a horror movie. Sure there's blood and guts in it, but it's more of an adventure-movie in the sense that the good-guys, bad-guys ratio evens things up. What it does lack however is a satisfying ending and a subplot that would given an added depth to the characters. I still think it deserves a 5 rating as it's different than most movies, it doesn't follow the standard 'stupid-people walking straight into doom' recipe. It's beautifully shot at locations that I'd love to see in real life. It did get a notch or two higher for the effort. If the last 15 minutes of it had been a bit more scary and gruesome I'd definitely would've given it a 6 or a 7. If you are after a Texas Chainsaw-kind of deal you are most likely looking in the wrong direction, but if you are not, then this might tickle the fright in you just enough for it to be worth renting.
- henrik-225
- Jan 17, 2007
- Permalink
I really came into this movie hardly knowing a thing about it except I've heard a million people telling me it was terrible and the 3. something rating on here made me think this was going to be laughably bad but it really wasn't.
I'm surprised this movie didn't do better! I mean its nothing more than average even know I thought it did have some originality. Any average horror/slasher fan would probably enjoy it, it's no worse than wolf creek or hostel. The film did a good job of setting their tones, they did a good job at pacing and they managed to do a good job with the intensity. The camera works a little frustrating at first but you get used to it and it ends up working for the film. The deaths and special effects aren't the most amazing at looking realistic but they did a good job with their budget. I also really liked how they developed the characters in this but they could use less gore, I mean I know thats whats getting the audience for some reason lately but it didn't feel necessary and they kept a gross scene on for just too long.
Overall, Don't get me wrong this movie isn't excellent but its not as bad as everyones saying it is. If you liked wolf creek, hostel, into the blue, or the descent then you'll probably enjoy this, it's worth a look.
I'm surprised this movie didn't do better! I mean its nothing more than average even know I thought it did have some originality. Any average horror/slasher fan would probably enjoy it, it's no worse than wolf creek or hostel. The film did a good job of setting their tones, they did a good job at pacing and they managed to do a good job with the intensity. The camera works a little frustrating at first but you get used to it and it ends up working for the film. The deaths and special effects aren't the most amazing at looking realistic but they did a good job with their budget. I also really liked how they developed the characters in this but they could use less gore, I mean I know thats whats getting the audience for some reason lately but it didn't feel necessary and they kept a gross scene on for just too long.
Overall, Don't get me wrong this movie isn't excellent but its not as bad as everyones saying it is. If you liked wolf creek, hostel, into the blue, or the descent then you'll probably enjoy this, it's worth a look.
- SnoopyStyle
- Aug 27, 2015
- Permalink
I was really upset when my boyfriend wanted to spend twenty bucks on this movie, but now I have changed my opinion.
I was expecting a Hostel rip-off cause that is what everyone said it was. But it was NOTHING like Hostel. It had OK acting, and pretty good character development.
Now I am all for bloody, violent, disgusting, vulgar horror movies. But I was glad to see this one wasn't really a horror movie, more of a thriller. The amount of violence was good. Anything more would have been simply for shock value, and I was glad to see a story survive without too much shock value. The pace of the film kept you interested, and the twists (although somewhat predictable) were fun to watch and kept you wondering what was next.
I personally liked watching this movie. I don't see why everyone ripped on it so much. To anyone who likes a good horror movie, or a good thriller, give this one a chance, and you might like it!
I was expecting a Hostel rip-off cause that is what everyone said it was. But it was NOTHING like Hostel. It had OK acting, and pretty good character development.
Now I am all for bloody, violent, disgusting, vulgar horror movies. But I was glad to see this one wasn't really a horror movie, more of a thriller. The amount of violence was good. Anything more would have been simply for shock value, and I was glad to see a story survive without too much shock value. The pace of the film kept you interested, and the twists (although somewhat predictable) were fun to watch and kept you wondering what was next.
I personally liked watching this movie. I don't see why everyone ripped on it so much. To anyone who likes a good horror movie, or a good thriller, give this one a chance, and you might like it!
- flamingofil
- Mar 29, 2007
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- movieman_kev
- Apr 17, 2007
- Permalink
I just saw this and I had extraordinarily low expectations, but I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought it would.
I thought the "Scarier than Hostel!" bit that they were using to promote it was corny and dumb, because a lot of people, including me, hated Hostel. But Turistas is better viewed when you're not expecting it to be that great. There were a few parts I thought were somewhat dumb, but the acting isn't bad. All of the actors are in their late 20's to early 30's, which I thought was good because I did NOT want to see another dumb teen-driven horror flick. But I don't see Turistas as a horror movie. It was a thriller that was actually somewhat scary, which is something that suspense movies these days lack terribly.
The parts I didn't like about it were overlookable. Like in the underwater scenes, I thought the acting could have been a little better, but in the long run, Turistas isn't a failure. I think there are much worse movies that could be on the Bottom 100, like Lady In The Water, for example. So, if Turistas is showing now at a 2nd-run house near you, you should go see it. Hopefully you won't hate it as much as typical IMDb folk do. They're all idiots, anyway.
I thought the "Scarier than Hostel!" bit that they were using to promote it was corny and dumb, because a lot of people, including me, hated Hostel. But Turistas is better viewed when you're not expecting it to be that great. There were a few parts I thought were somewhat dumb, but the acting isn't bad. All of the actors are in their late 20's to early 30's, which I thought was good because I did NOT want to see another dumb teen-driven horror flick. But I don't see Turistas as a horror movie. It was a thriller that was actually somewhat scary, which is something that suspense movies these days lack terribly.
The parts I didn't like about it were overlookable. Like in the underwater scenes, I thought the acting could have been a little better, but in the long run, Turistas isn't a failure. I think there are much worse movies that could be on the Bottom 100, like Lady In The Water, for example. So, if Turistas is showing now at a 2nd-run house near you, you should go see it. Hopefully you won't hate it as much as typical IMDb folk do. They're all idiots, anyway.
I agree with McGreysFan, this film is much better than you would expect. It is not a horror it is a thriller and I suspect that the reason it has been rated so low is that the people voting on it are of the 18-24 demographic.
this is a good thriller, not a slash and splatter horror, which I am not in to really because they are always a bunch of dumb teens running around and screaming. Terrible acting with no real story.
This film had good acting, a good story and I enjoyed it, I almost didn't watch it because I was put off by the IMDb rating of it. One thing though, the English guy Finn I think his name was, man did he do my head in, I am English and I found him incredibly annoying.
As a comparison I would say this film was much better than Hostel which I would give a 2 this I would rate as a five. It was an adult film. A decent thriller with which I was pleasantly surprised.
this is a good thriller, not a slash and splatter horror, which I am not in to really because they are always a bunch of dumb teens running around and screaming. Terrible acting with no real story.
This film had good acting, a good story and I enjoyed it, I almost didn't watch it because I was put off by the IMDb rating of it. One thing though, the English guy Finn I think his name was, man did he do my head in, I am English and I found him incredibly annoying.
As a comparison I would say this film was much better than Hostel which I would give a 2 this I would rate as a five. It was an adult film. A decent thriller with which I was pleasantly surprised.
- maxcottle-1
- Mar 13, 2007
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- claudio_carvalho
- Jun 19, 2007
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Without making this review to long, I just want to say that Turistas starts off well, and then goes way downhill once the "horror" begins. The opening half of the movie is very well developed. It draws out it's characters well, sets up moments of suspense for the horrors that will come, and keeps the viewer interested due to it's beautiful cinematography.
Once the terror and violence actually begin (which doesn't happen until the last third of the movie no less) it goes way downhill. For one, it was marketed as a torture movie, but there is barely any of it! Sure, there's a brutal killing here and there, but when it came to gore, this film was very tame. Second, the cinematography in during the night scenes was awful,with the chase scenes and violence barely viewable. You could not tell what was happening on screen, and all of the viewers of the film were lost with what was going on. Third, the last third was extremely predictable. You could tell who was going to die and when. The main villain (who ironically looks like the President of Iran) is not well drawn out, and the "climax" of the film is pitiful.
There is however, fine acting jobs done by all involved, and a particular death scene that made me squirm in my seat due to its brutality and intensity. When the chase scenes and violence were actually viewable (of which it rarely was) it actually was pretty intense. However, the actual deaths were not (save one or two), and the dumb decisions made by all of the characters may be the stupidest yet to grace the screen this year.
It's sad. Turistas had potential. It started off great, but just went in the wrong direction I guess. I have never seen a movie that fell so much on its rear.
Once the terror and violence actually begin (which doesn't happen until the last third of the movie no less) it goes way downhill. For one, it was marketed as a torture movie, but there is barely any of it! Sure, there's a brutal killing here and there, but when it came to gore, this film was very tame. Second, the cinematography in during the night scenes was awful,with the chase scenes and violence barely viewable. You could not tell what was happening on screen, and all of the viewers of the film were lost with what was going on. Third, the last third was extremely predictable. You could tell who was going to die and when. The main villain (who ironically looks like the President of Iran) is not well drawn out, and the "climax" of the film is pitiful.
There is however, fine acting jobs done by all involved, and a particular death scene that made me squirm in my seat due to its brutality and intensity. When the chase scenes and violence were actually viewable (of which it rarely was) it actually was pretty intense. However, the actual deaths were not (save one or two), and the dumb decisions made by all of the characters may be the stupidest yet to grace the screen this year.
It's sad. Turistas had potential. It started off great, but just went in the wrong direction I guess. I have never seen a movie that fell so much on its rear.
'Turistas' was a fun horror flick with a 'Hostel' like plot. The characters were pretty likable along with the film itself. It had some good gory scenes which included a disturbing open surgery scene.
I am really confused about why people hated this film so much. When I saw this with a friend, we were both expecting a stupid b flick with cheesy acting. We were both surprised at the end, it didn't entirely suck! It had an OK script, OK actors, cool scenes, a fun plot, and gruesome gore. I admit, it wasn't a masterpiece but it was not horrible! I have seen much, much, much worse!
Something that does tick me off about this films bad ratings is that the Brazilians are rating it bad because they think this film will lower their tourist numbers. They are wrong, people still go to the beach(Jaws) and still go to European countries(Hostel). Its just a horror flick.
So you should go see this if you like fun B horror flicks.
I am really confused about why people hated this film so much. When I saw this with a friend, we were both expecting a stupid b flick with cheesy acting. We were both surprised at the end, it didn't entirely suck! It had an OK script, OK actors, cool scenes, a fun plot, and gruesome gore. I admit, it wasn't a masterpiece but it was not horrible! I have seen much, much, much worse!
Something that does tick me off about this films bad ratings is that the Brazilians are rating it bad because they think this film will lower their tourist numbers. They are wrong, people still go to the beach(Jaws) and still go to European countries(Hostel). Its just a horror flick.
So you should go see this if you like fun B horror flicks.
To be upfront and fair, I love horror films: everything from campy, cheaply-made indie stuff to slick, high-budget ones. All I ask is you give me not-so-much as a good story, although that would help but some kind of purpose as to why I'm there to see this film. As you can see, I almost never write a comment or review. But I was almost obligated to do it here because I need to vent knowing that I'm not going to get my money back for the admission and popcorn and coke. Turistas was absolutely DREADFUL. Folks, there are no spoilers to this film because the previews and commercials pretty much did the job. And to Josh Duhamel: stick to television, buddy because you have no big-screen charisma. I for one hopes this movie tanks in it's first week so the idiots who greenlighted this crap will lose their jobs. That's it.
- Gatecrasherfilms
- Dec 2, 2006
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- drownsoda90
- Mar 26, 2007
- Permalink
I first saw this in 2007 on a dvd which I own.
Revisited it recently.
Agree its the same old stuff in new settings but the film has some amazing under water sequences, nice locations, good babes n it is a bit frightening, especially after the detailed evisceration sequence.
Mind you, it is not at all a Hostel rip off. I hated Hostel as it is pure torture porn. This one is like a survival thriller.
The cage scenes are shot in darkness and one cannot make out what is going on. Also what happens to the character Liam is never shown. (He decides to stay behind to fight back, only to be shot in the leg and captured). But aft how the movie ended, one expected to see the fate of Liam.
Revisited it recently.
Agree its the same old stuff in new settings but the film has some amazing under water sequences, nice locations, good babes n it is a bit frightening, especially after the detailed evisceration sequence.
Mind you, it is not at all a Hostel rip off. I hated Hostel as it is pure torture porn. This one is like a survival thriller.
The cage scenes are shot in darkness and one cannot make out what is going on. Also what happens to the character Liam is never shown. (He decides to stay behind to fight back, only to be shot in the leg and captured). But aft how the movie ended, one expected to see the fate of Liam.
- Fella_shibby
- Apr 17, 2021
- Permalink
- IRateFilms
- Nov 30, 2006
- Permalink
- The_Film_Cricket
- May 9, 2012
- Permalink
I never go to the movies, but I decided to take a couple of friends to see this. I had heard somewhere (forgive my forgetfulness regarding the source) that Turistas was a scarier and better movie than Hostel. These two friends of mine saw Hostel and loved it; I was not impressed with Hostel. So I thought we might all like Turistas.
This movie develops so slowly that I was dying waiting for something to happen. And it wasn't like the "good" kind of waiting, where everything that is happening leads up to thrills and chills and becomes a very important part of the plot. The plot of the movie could have been done so much better. Turistas is nothing close to Hostel (which again, I was not impressed with).
There are no scary parts whatsoever. The nudity in the movie is sparse and simple (so if you are looking for or expecting more than that you will be disappointed).
I was so embarrassed to have suggested this movie to my friends. I feel like it was an absolute waste of time and money (and unlike others here, I only spent 5.75). It isn't even a movie worth saying "at least I've seen it." If you think Turistas is a good film, I really think you haven't seen much of anything that is actually good.
This movie develops so slowly that I was dying waiting for something to happen. And it wasn't like the "good" kind of waiting, where everything that is happening leads up to thrills and chills and becomes a very important part of the plot. The plot of the movie could have been done so much better. Turistas is nothing close to Hostel (which again, I was not impressed with).
There are no scary parts whatsoever. The nudity in the movie is sparse and simple (so if you are looking for or expecting more than that you will be disappointed).
I was so embarrassed to have suggested this movie to my friends. I feel like it was an absolute waste of time and money (and unlike others here, I only spent 5.75). It isn't even a movie worth saying "at least I've seen it." If you think Turistas is a good film, I really think you haven't seen much of anything that is actually good.
- sociald1977
- Dec 9, 2006
- Permalink
Watched it last night, with pretty much no great expectations of it. Maybe a scare or too, but I really was expecting poor acting. Yet, to my surprise the movie holds its own very nicely. Good acting by all, the girls were cute, with some decent nudity as well, which always adds a little to a good horror flick. The best thing about this movie was its ability to use Paranoia. Not necessarily the Hitchcock form, but still for a big budget horror movie, its vibe and atmosphere is very solid. I found myself being a little scared, for no apparent reason, which is a good thing for a horror/slasher to do. overall, good movie, good young acting, great scares, and just a cool movie to chill and watch with some friends. check it out.
- shanesteel27
- Dec 2, 2006
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- fertilecelluloid
- Nov 13, 2006
- Permalink
Well, first I wanna say I am a Latino. I am Argentinian, but you gringos probably don't know what Argentina is. The thing is, the US is full with ignorant people. And those ignorants make this kind of movies: full of stereotypes, full of violence and hate. But you know what, States? From what I know, and I know a lot, Brazil is not a gigantic jungle. Brazilian people won't steal your organs. Brazilians won't kill random foreign people. What I mean is that every piece of this planet is full of these things. But as the ignorant and prejudge-filled persons you are, you will fill your ignorant sons with hate, starting the circle again.
But obviously, you won't make movies about how Brazilians are kidnapped by people from the US (I am saying "people from the US" instead of Americans, because they don't own the continent, ya know), or how skinheads kill innocent Latinos in the streets.
Besides this, the movie is boring, lacks a plot, the acting is poor, and the research for this movie... well, let's say it is missing.
But obviously, you won't make movies about how Brazilians are kidnapped by people from the US (I am saying "people from the US" instead of Americans, because they don't own the continent, ya know), or how skinheads kill innocent Latinos in the streets.
Besides this, the movie is boring, lacks a plot, the acting is poor, and the research for this movie... well, let's say it is missing.
- franchodeparana
- Dec 12, 2006
- Permalink
Turistas (2006) is a movie I saw an advance screening of ages ago and recently watched again on Tubi. The storyline follows a group of tourists in Brazil whose tour bus breaks down and they decide to continue their trip on foot. As they get off the beaten path they find more fun than they could ever imagine but then wake up the next day to their worst nightmare.
This movie is directed by John Stockwell (Dark Tide) and stars Josh Duhamel (Transformers), Melissa George (Hunted), Olivia Wilde (Tron: Legacy), Desmond Askew (Go), Max Brown (The Tudors) and Beau Garrett (Tron: Legacy).
The settings and circumstances are well established in this and the cast is pretty solid. The storyline is cliche and straightforward but still fun to watch unfold. There's also some comedy mixed in here and there, the prostitution scene always cracks me up. I did like how they did the drug scenes and the kill sequences and gore are very solid. There's a machete scene in this I always love. There's a good use of a staple gun in this as well; and to be honest, there's some surgery scenes that make me woozy. The use of underwater scenes was a bit too much but the circumstances overall felt realistic.
Overall this is a slightly above average horror movie with some good gore and kill scenes. This is definitely worth a viewing for horror enthusiasts that I would score a 5.5-6/10.
This movie is directed by John Stockwell (Dark Tide) and stars Josh Duhamel (Transformers), Melissa George (Hunted), Olivia Wilde (Tron: Legacy), Desmond Askew (Go), Max Brown (The Tudors) and Beau Garrett (Tron: Legacy).
The settings and circumstances are well established in this and the cast is pretty solid. The storyline is cliche and straightforward but still fun to watch unfold. There's also some comedy mixed in here and there, the prostitution scene always cracks me up. I did like how they did the drug scenes and the kill sequences and gore are very solid. There's a machete scene in this I always love. There's a good use of a staple gun in this as well; and to be honest, there's some surgery scenes that make me woozy. The use of underwater scenes was a bit too much but the circumstances overall felt realistic.
Overall this is a slightly above average horror movie with some good gore and kill scenes. This is definitely worth a viewing for horror enthusiasts that I would score a 5.5-6/10.
- kevin_robbins
- Feb 3, 2022
- Permalink
This may well be the worst movie I've seen this year. The first hour is excruciatingly boring. There is one cool scene where they used some great visual effects, but that's about it. I found it very hard to follow the plot. It seemed for a long time like nothing at all was going to happen. I was so desperate for action, that I started making it up in my imagination. When they finally do touch on the plot for 15 minutes, it's so watered down that you can't even enjoy what little action is there. The last half hour is nearly unwatchable. It reminded me of Hostel is some ways. But at least Hostel managed to be somewhat entertaining by the end. In short, don't waste your money...unless you're a fan of really boring, terrible movies.
- screamingdreamer
- Dec 7, 2006
- Permalink
I almost was not going to see this movie because it was giving such a bad rating by so many.
I don't know why though. I watched the movie and it was very very good.
It had a great story line that was believable and made it more creepy. When something exciting was not happening it had great visuals of Brazil. It had some intense scenes also. It also had a lot of shocking parts u would not expect. I really liked this movie. Better then hostel definitely.
It shouldn't have a bad rating. At least should have a 7 or 8. Worth watching.
I don't know why though. I watched the movie and it was very very good.
It had a great story line that was believable and made it more creepy. When something exciting was not happening it had great visuals of Brazil. It had some intense scenes also. It also had a lot of shocking parts u would not expect. I really liked this movie. Better then hostel definitely.
It shouldn't have a bad rating. At least should have a 7 or 8. Worth watching.
- Ronald_James_Corbin
- Jul 1, 2007
- Permalink
I saw this was trending on Netflix so I took a punt on it and it annoys me to say that it suckered me in It's a fun little film that does keep you in suspense throughout.
The first 20 mins or so I'm thinking oh god. Acting isn't exactly brilliant, the characters are just annoying me, nothing seems to be going on. And bam, towards the end I'm fully invested in what's going to happen next and how it ends.
So I'll start by naming my negatives towards this film: The ending, although answers everything you need, just felt a bit underwhelming. It's hard to say why, but I didn't feel the emotions I should have done when it finished. The final "fight" if you will lasted far too long as well, which didn't help. Character depth was very low. I genuinely can't remember the names of half of them as they would just say a line or 2 and sod off for a bit. When depth isn't there, you don't feel the emotions you need when they die/survive. Slow start. Yeah, it just took far too long to actually get going. You're sat waiting for the impeding problems to occur and it doesn't. It just feels like an adventure film.
But yeah, overall though I was entertained by it and I'm quite happy I chose it. I will say that there isn't much in terms of "horror" (I know Netflix say it's a horror film), there's some heavy gore here and there, but that's about it. Overall though 6/10 from me. Worth a cheeky punt.
PS, if you've seen (not a spoiler). Why did they take the Swedish couple at the beginning, but nobody else? Them as characters just seemed pointless filler.
The first 20 mins or so I'm thinking oh god. Acting isn't exactly brilliant, the characters are just annoying me, nothing seems to be going on. And bam, towards the end I'm fully invested in what's going to happen next and how it ends.
So I'll start by naming my negatives towards this film: The ending, although answers everything you need, just felt a bit underwhelming. It's hard to say why, but I didn't feel the emotions I should have done when it finished. The final "fight" if you will lasted far too long as well, which didn't help. Character depth was very low. I genuinely can't remember the names of half of them as they would just say a line or 2 and sod off for a bit. When depth isn't there, you don't feel the emotions you need when they die/survive. Slow start. Yeah, it just took far too long to actually get going. You're sat waiting for the impeding problems to occur and it doesn't. It just feels like an adventure film.
But yeah, overall though I was entertained by it and I'm quite happy I chose it. I will say that there isn't much in terms of "horror" (I know Netflix say it's a horror film), there's some heavy gore here and there, but that's about it. Overall though 6/10 from me. Worth a cheeky punt.
PS, if you've seen (not a spoiler). Why did they take the Swedish couple at the beginning, but nobody else? Them as characters just seemed pointless filler.
- danielmanson
- Mar 5, 2021
- Permalink