2 reviews
I watched this on afternoon cable and... well it's so bad that it's almost good. I couldn't decide whether to give it a 1 or a 10, hence the 5. I won't spoil the plot, basically two businessmen each hire a hit-man, and set them against each other in a duel to the death. The whole thing is videoed for their amusement. Willhelm Schlotterer is fantastic as a bad guy. He just oozes evil, and his hit-man, played by Dan Marsh is certainly off the wall and reminded me very much of Gary Oldman in Leon. I don't know how it got a PG rating since there's quite a bit of violence and aggression in it, as well as a high body count. Perhaps the lack of sex or gore is the reason? The action sequences are good, but the movie falls down on the emotional side. Still, worth watching on a wet afternoon.