Bill Murray credited as playing...
- Jon Arbuckle: Liz, will you marry me?
- [shows the ring to Liz]
- Liz Wilson: Yes.
- [Everyone starts clapping]
- Garfield: You know a dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's.
- Garfield: [Garfield's round figure prevents him to enter the playhouse, shows signs of struggle] Does this castle make my butt look a little too big?
- Winston: [Standing behind Garfield] Fits you like a glove.
- Winston: [Garfield strains through the entrance and due to excessive pressure, he emits a fart into Winston's face] Ooh! Blimey.
- Garfield: Pardon.
- Winston: Well struck, sire. Good tone, smooth finish.
- Garfield: Well, you took that in the best spirit, didn't you?
- [sees two dogs on a horse-driven cart]
- Garfield: Hey, Odie, it's one of those royal corgis.
- [also sees the queen on the cart]
- Garfield: Hey lady, you got any leftover liver?
- [no response from the queen]
- Garfield: Ah, stuck-up little punk. Oh, I know she heard it, they had the top down. Odie... Odie?
- [Odie starts peeing on a British soldier's foot]
- Garfield: D'uh-oh! Odie, no, don't do the ugly American thing!
- [soldier looks down at Odie]
- Garfield: [running away with Odie from the soldier] The British are coming, the British are coming! Well, you made him crack anyway.
- Jon Arbuckle: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Garfield, what are you doing?
- Garfield: I'm security, pal. Just protecting you from yourself.
- Jon Arbuckle: Garfield, you've caused enough trouble today. Now you have food, water, and company.
- Garfield: [points at Odie] Which one is he?
- Jon Arbuckle: Be good.
- Garfield: Jon, he's hilarious. Be careful, she's a maneater!
- [Jon closes the door]
- Garfield: Oh no. He's under her spell.
- [Odie still looks for the hamburger in the cabinet]
- Garfield: Okay, Odie, I'll give you one small clue... *it's not in there!*
- Garfield: I'm the king of the cul-de-sac. That's what I'm talking about. Jon and I have everything I could ever want. Food in the fridge. Cable and satellite. And don't forget, lasagna. That's right. It's good to be king.
- [after being served a plate of Carlyle log]
- Garfield: Ugh. Does a Great Dane live here?
- Winston: It's your Carlyle log, my lord. A savory of liver and spleen served in a sleeve of sheep's intestines.
- Garfield: And... you're supposed to eat it? What is this, Fear Factor? Intestines, spleen?
- [pushes the plate away]
- Garfield: I'm the king, right?
- Winston: Prince, actually.
- Garfield: Same difference, I rule. Yes?
- Winston: Yes, Your Highness.
- Garfield: Great. Well, feed this to the humans, and just bring me a piping hot dish of lasagna. Okay?
- Winston: I'll see to it at once, sire.
- Garfield: Okay.
- [jumps onto the table]
- Garfield: Hold it right here, all you animals. What goes on here, Winston?
- Winston: We're preparing the royal lasagna, sire. Unless you prefer another dish.
- Garfield: Did you say dish? Lasagna's not a dish, windbag. It's a way of life. A state of being one's perfect achievement. What did the Indians serve to the Pilgrims? Lasagna. What did Marie Antoinette scream to the rebel? "Let them eat lasagna." What did Neil Armstrong say when he landed on the moon? "That's one small slice of lasagna." It's not a dish. It's the stuff of dreams. It's the food of the gods. It's what's for lunch.
- Winston: Well, it seems we've already mucked it up.
- Garfield: You just need a little guidance, that's all.
- Veterinary Assistant: They're gonna be fine, Jon.
- Jon Arbuckle: You know, Garfield's never stayed in a kennel before, so I'm afriad he might have some separation anxiety.
- Veterinary Assistant: [assuring] No. He's probably fast asleep in his cage by now.
- [in the cage room, Garfield and Odie are in a cage and Garfield shouts while striking the cage door]
- [strikes the cage door again]
- [shakes the cage door]
- [stomps the floor of the cage]
- [Garfield shakes the cage door very hard, causing it to swing open with him on it]
- Garfield: NEVER MIND!
- [Garfield lets go of the cage door and falls to the floor]
- Garfield: I just broke out!
- Garfield: What do they want, blood? I have been eating and sleeping my heart out for these animals. Still not enough. Like I'm as good as a royal cat could be?
- [Garfield and Prince start mirror-playing against a bush doorway]
- Garfield: [after Prince collapses face first] Aha! I so... knew you weren't me.
- Prince: And you must be Garfield.
- Garfield: How do you know my name?
- Prince: I've lived your life for the past few days. Yes, if ever a man loved a cat, it's your Jon. Return to him, Garfield. Return to your home.
- Garfield: Your Highness, you don't have to tell me twice. Bye-bye.
- Preston: It's the real Prince. The genuine article.
- Prince: Yes, my friends, I have returned to you at this, our darkest hour. So tell me Winston, what exactly is Lord Dargis up to?
- Winston: He intends to level our homes and kill us all.
- Prince: O... kay. Well, in that case, I decree that we pack our bags and get our scraggy bottoms out of here. Perhaps to the castle next door.
- Garfield: [turns to leave] Oh boy.
- Nigel: Well, that was inspirational.
- Bolero: Brilliant.
- McBunny: I am so fired up.
- Garfield: [walking back] You know, I believe we can do better.
- Preston: I thought you were leaving.
- Garfield: Hey. Button the beak, Froot Loops, or I'll stick that thing on backwards. Look, Lord Doofus is just another bully. And what do we do to bullies?
- Meenie: Well, generally, we run from them.
- Garfield: [confident] No, we don't leave. We stand and we kick royal butt. Trust me, if you beastsssss can bake a two-cheese lasagna, you can beat Dargis.
- Preston: Well, do you have a plan, Garfield?
- Garfield: Tell you what. For the duration of this battle I would prefer to be called "G-Cat". And *we*...
- [indicating Prince]
- Garfield: ... have *two* plans.
- Prince: [realizing] Oh teamwork.
- Winston: Oyez, oyez. Prince XII has returned.
- [ducks trumpet]
- Garfield: Thank you windbag, for that flobbering introduction. Hello, everybody!
- [animals look in astonishment]
- Garfield: Hey, listen up...
- [flicks Winston's nose]
- Garfield: is this an audience or a landscape? Okay, great to be back here at the palace. I look out, I see a sea of... of dumb barnyard animals. I'm here in your country to break up a romance between the guy who owns the house I live in and a girl who's way out of his league. I know that whatever it is that you have, there's some sort of affliction that produces this glazed look behind your eyes. I hope you defeat it. Wish I could take everybody home with me. Thank you.
- [walks away]
- Garfield: I killed.
- Winston: Very funny, sire. Well done.
- Nigel: I didn't realize it was amateur hour.
- Eenie: What's up with Prince?
- Christophe: Oh, he's on the catnip again.
- I, Claudius: Hold on, chaps! Have I got news for you!
- McBunny: What's the word, Claudius?
- I, Claudius: Dargis is going to bulldoze the barnyard and feed us to the tourists!
- Nigel: Let him try. He'll have to deal with these fists of fury first, wouldn't he?
- [animals complain]
- Winston: Calm yourselves, everyone. We're alright as long as Prince is alive.
- McBunny: Well, obviously, that feline is not Prince, you idiots!
- Preston: He's not even a cat formerly known as Prince.
- [animals argue]
- Winston: Wait, he doesn't have to be Prince. He just has to look like him. If he fooled me, he'll fool them.
- McBunny: But what's to stop Dargis from getting rid of this cat too?
- Winston: McBunny's right. We must protect this cat at all costs. Our fates rely on it.
- Liz Wilson: [to Jon] Don't let Odie out of your sight they might deport him.
- Garfield: [very interested] *Deport* Odie? Ooh, I like this country already! Oops...
- [the table tips over and the bag and Garfield fall onto the floor]
- Garfield: [getting up] OK, I'm gonna need a litterbox, a Room Service manual and the TV remote and, in that order. If anyone needs me, I'll be in my office.
- [walks towards the bathroom]
- Jon Arbuckle: [looks into his bag and gets surprised that his clothes are gone] Where are my clothes?
- Garfield: [in the toilet] Cool. My very own cat tub.
- [turns on the buttwasher and turns it back off immediately after being squirted by water]
- Garfield: Gol-ly!
- [spits some water out]
- Garfield: Bus driver, pull it over. I've got a pie belch coming that might break windows.
- [burps loudly]
- Garfield: Aaahh.
- [Smithee stops in front of Carlyle Castle, gets out, and opens the door for Garfield]
- Smithee: Come on, Prince.
- Garfield: [gets out of the car] Yeah, yeah, I used to be known as Prince, but you can just call me, Ga - r - field.
- [awestruck by the castle]
- Garfield: Wow. Get a load of this dump.
- Garfield: Holy cow. I could hear my footsteps. Mom... Dad... I'm home.
- Winston: Your highness!
- Garfield: You're talking to me, froggy?
- Winston: It's me, your trusty servant, Winston.
- Garfield: Hey...
- [shows off some fighting moves]
- Garfield: Warning, I don't fight fair. I scratch, and I bite.
- Winston: It's alright, sire. All is well now, your home.
- Garfield: Home? A retirement home, a happy home? So what is this... is this an insane asylum? Am I being kidnapped?
- Winston: Ha, ha, ha. Very funny, sire. Your loyal subjects await you. They need to be comforted by your word.
- Garfield: Hey... trust me, windbag. There's no way I'm gonna give a speech to a bunch of deranged...
- Winston: And then of course, following your words, a royal feast.
- Garfield: [interested] I think I'm just gonna do a tight two minutes, see if that will calm 'em down, okay?
- Garfield: Come, my pumpkin windbag. We're ready to roll.
- Winston: Roll? Where to?
- Garfield: You know, to the hotel, to Jon.
- Winston: Your master? The one who's leaving you for his new wife?
- Garfield: He's not leaving me. It's more of a... temporary insanity thing.
- Winston: Garfield, your master started a new life. It's time for you to begin yours. Come on, I wanna show you something.