Reincarnation is a Japanese film with subtitles. The plot is very difficult to follow but it involves a film crew making a movie depicting the events of a murder. As part of the filming, the director, crew and cast go to the actual hotel in which the multiple murders occurred. The main character is the female lead in the film. Almost from the start of the project, she begins to have visions or hallucinations. She sees people who no one else sees. When the crew arrives at the hotel, her visions become more extreme and frequent. You sort of understand what this film is about when it is over, however the ending left me confused. This is not a haunted house or slasher horror film. Most of it takes place in daylight. Do not expect scantily clad bimbos or knife-wielding maniacs to jump out from the closet. The story reminded me somewhat of the Roman Polanski film "Repulsion" about a woman who goes mad and has hallucinations. Overall, I thought the film was on the slow side. In its favor, it is not one of the gross torture porn flicks that are destroying the horror genre.