Matt Lauer credited as playing...
Matt Lauer
- Dr. Rick Marshall: This is for you. I signed it.
- [hands his book to Matt Lauer]
- Dr. Rick Marshall: You're supposed to say the title and the publisher.
- Matt Lauer: That's not gonna happen.
- Dr. Rick Marshall: Just say it.
- Matt Lauer: No.
- Dr. Rick Marshall: Just say the damn title.
- Matt Lauer: Fine.
- [shows book to TV audience]
- Matt Lauer: 'Matt Lauer Can Suck It' by Dr. Rick Marshall.
- Dr. Rick Marshall: I was so surprised that your attorney signed off on that. I was like, "Are you sure? Is this gonna be okay?" He said, "Yeah, go for it."
- Matt Lauer: Son of a bitch.
- [after Marshall storms off the stage of "Today"]
- Matt Lauer: That was my guest, Dr. Rick Marshall
- Dr. Rick Marshall: [offscreen] You're God damn right it was!
- Matt Lauer: His new book arrives tomorrow. You might want to look for it in the "I'm out of my freaking mind" department.
- [Rick Marshall on the Today Show talking about his new scientific discovery]
- Dr. Rick Marshall: It boils down to two simple words.
- Matt Lauer: Renewable biofuels.
- Dr. Rick Marshall: Close. Time warps.